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Academic & Career Planning

Academic and Career Planning, or ACP, is a student-driven, adult-supported process. Students create their own unique vision for post-secondary success. This is achieved through self-exploration, career exploration, and the development of career planning skills.

All students enrolled in grades 6 through 12 in public school districts will participate in ACP.

ACP is for all of our students, and all means every. This includes students with disabilities who have Individualized Education Programs/Post-secondary Transition Plans, as well as students with Section 504 Accommodation Plans, English Learners, students who are Gifted and or Talented, students who are homeless, and students considered neglected and delinquent.

We are working to help all of our students earn a diploma by design, not by default. This is possible through equipping students with meaningful and supportive adult relationships, the ability to adapt to opportunities and challenges and help them begin their personalized journeys to successful lives.

What role do families have in the ACP process?

Families are an integral part of the ACP process. Families are encouraged to review their child’s plan and discuss their opportunities in order to help them make thoughtful decisions that align with their goals.

Are students required to declare their career choice in 6th grade?

No. School staff, families, community members, and students should use the ACP exploration and planning process and activities to learn more about themselves and how their personal strengths and interests connect to future goals and potential careers. Frequent review and revision of a student’s choices and plan is encouraged as part of the ACP process to ensure more thoughtful decision-making related to future goals as they grow through middle school and high school.

What if a student changes their mind about their ACP goal(s)?

The premise of the ACP is for students to discover, learn, explore, and apply interests, skills and knowledge as they are acquired. Frequent review and revision of a student’s plan is encouraged as part of the ACP process to ensure more thoughtful decision-making related to future goals.

Academic and Career Planning Coordinators

Appleton East High School 
Karen Koss

Appleton North High School
Shayla Kimball

Appleton West High School

Seth Hahnke