Classroom to Career
Classroom to Career is a strategy to strengthen opportunities for students to connect with local businesses to raise student awareness and prepare them for their future employment.
Traditionally determining college and career readiness has focused on course work grades and test results. As a school district we have worked to identify additional indicators of a student’s readiness for post-high school course work and the world of work.
It is our intention to develop opportunities for our students to get direct involvement with our businesses and community both in and out of the classroom.
Classroom to Career is student-driven, supported by adults, and requires families, local businesses and educators to collaborate so that all students take ownership of their career aspirations. Classroom to Career equips EACH student with skills, tools, and qualities needed to develop a rewarding career plan that fits their talents and interests.
It provides all students will graduate with a game-plan for reaching their future career and a support system to help throughout the process.
Classroom to Career
- is a continuum of activities and experiences both in and out of the classroom beginning in PreK through 12th grade
- allows students to develop their self-awareness and a personalized academic and career plan (ACP)
- is a student-driven, adult supported process requiring parents, local businesses, and educators to collaborate so that all students take ownership of their career aspirations
- provides all students will graduate with a game-plan for reaching their future career and a support system to help throughout the process
Our Students are College, Career, and Life Ready
Career Based Learning Benchmarks
- Early Childhood - Grade 4: Students will be exposed to various career opportunities to connect to personal interests, talents and employability skills.
- Grades 5 - 6: Students will develop an ACP that represents a match of student interests and academic outcomes.
- Grades 7 - 8: Students will self-reflect and leverage personal and career networks to plan for high school course selections, co-curricular participation, and employment opportunities) to carry out their ACP.
- Grades 9 - 10: Students identify an adult mentor/advisor from their ACP personal network to articulate their personalized mid-point ACP progress.
- Grades 11 - 12: Students will graduate with a post-secondary plan to implement with a back-up plan, an actual real-world exposure in their career-focused area, and participate in a reflective evaluation-exit interview prior to graduation.
- College & Career Ready: All AASD graduates will be academically prepared & socially & emotionally competent by demonstrating content knowledge & career & life skills through their Academic & Career Plan (ACP) process.
Kristin Comerford
Career Based Learning Coordinator
Career and Technical Education Coordinator
(920) 852-5300 ext. 60171