CTE Internships
Junior or Senior Year of High School opportunity.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs provide students with a foundation for a wide range of careers that reflect the contemporary workplace.
College and Career Readiness
CTE programs provide quality work-based learning programs, relevant academic skills, and workforce behaviors necessary for success.
Academic & Technical Skills
CTE programs promote life-long learning in a global society.
Work-Based Learning
CTE programs strengthen business and education partnerships to provide students with opportunities that reinforce skills and behaviors for the workforce.
Through the Academic and Career Planning (ACP) process, students participate in a variety of career-based learning experiences (CBLEs) that involve direct employer engagement. The engagement between employers and students may be short, as with classroom speakers, or may be in-depth, as with Youth Apprenticeship, but all CBLEs include participation from an employer or industry partner and are generally school-supervised.
Career and Technical Education Internships are:
- Focused on Wisconsin Skills Certificate - Employability or Leadership.
- Previous or current enrollment in related course:
- Business & Marketing
- Family & Consumer Sciences
- Technology & Engineering
- A maximum of two credits is allowed.
- Students will attend a Spring meeting to verify enrollment in Work Based Learning prior to the end of the school year.
For students, participating in a Work-Based Learning experience can:
- Connect classroom learning to the real world
- Offer a chance to observe professionals in action
- Help to network with potential employers
- Understand the connection between school, postsecondary education, and career goals
- Practice professional behaviors with professional expectations
- Develop good work habits
- Develop leadership skills and a sense of responsibility
- Practice technical skills in real-world scenarios
- Solve problems cooperatively and creatively
- Access opportunities for economic and social prosperity
Amy Herrick