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Title VI - Indian Education Program

In 1972, the Indian Education Act (IEA) was established. This Act addresses the needs of American Indian and Alaskan Native students from Pre-K thru 12 grades. This legislation states that these students have unique educational needs, and this is where the Title VI Indian Education Program comes in.

The Appleton Area School District's Title VI - Native American Indian Education Program (NAIEP) is a culturally-responsive academic support program designed to increase knowledge of cultural identity and awareness, increase academic achievement, and increase college enrollment. Through a partnership with Fox Valley Technical College, the Native American Indian Education Program provides individualized, targeted academic supports, higher education transition assistance and cultural enrichment opportunities for our 4K-12 grade Native American students.

The Native American Indian Education Program provides enrichment programs that reflect and embrace the cultural and tribal values of our Native American students, parents and families. Each cultural event affords students with an opportunity to attend a first-hand learning experience allowing our students to interact with and actively learn from American Indian resource people.

Our American Indian and Alaskan Native students learn about and come to understand cultural perspectives, philosophies and traditional teachings that will help them develop their unique characteristics and realize their full potential as students, community members and global citizens. The Title VI Indian Education Liaison also serves as an educational resource for the Appleton Area School District (AASD) and our local community about American Indian history, culture, and tribal sovereignty.

As a public school district, AASD's collective and ever-constant mission is to provide each student with a positive and rich learning experience that goes well beyond the academic mechanics of high test scores. Reaching this goal requires educators to know our students as individuals, and we are committed to putting in the hard, often complicated work needed to build trusting and caring relationships with them. Without this foundation -- and the gift of our educators' passion for teaching -- student learning cannot occur.

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