Newcomer Programs
Newcomer Programs provide specialized instruction to beginning-level English Learners who have recently arrived in the U.S. In addition to academic language support, the Newcomer Program serves to familiarize Newcomers with U. S. cultural and educational systems.
The AASD currently has five schools with Newcomer Programs. These programs provide specialized instruction to beginning-level English Learners who have recently arrived in the U.S.
As our Newcomer Program continues to grow, we have expanded our staff to meet the growing needs of our Newcomer population.
- Newcomer EL Teachers at schools with Newcomer Programs
- EL Interpreters
- Newcomer and Refugee Liaison
- Refugee Engagement Specialist
- Refugee Support Specialist
- Newcomer and Refugee Social Worker (new for 23-24)
Does your student qualify?
Are they:
- a K- 12 student
- resident of the Appleton Area School District
- New to the United States (one year or less)
- a student with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education
- English Proficiency Level 1 Fluency based on initial English language screener
How long will my student attend this Program?
- 1- 2 full school years, based on their arrival date to the United States
After the Newcomer Program
Exit Criteria Considerations:
- ACCESS Test Score
- Reading or iReady Benchmark
- Oral Language Proficiency
- Classroom Performance
What happens after my student completes the Newcomer Program?
Students will attend their attendance area school following completion of the Program and receive English Learner (EL) supports. If your home school does NOT have an EL program, the district will provide bussing to a nearby school with EL.
What if I want my child to continue at their current school?
We encourage your family to apply for open enrollment through the School of Choice application. EL services will be provided at the School of Choice location.
When open enrolled through School of Choice, transportation may no longer be available through the school district. Families are responsible for their own transportation to/from school. Contact the AASD Transportation Department to request bussing on an available route for which families will need to pay. Transportation is provided if the Newcomer Program site is NOT your home school and ONLY while your child qualifies for the Newcomer Program.
Schools with Newcomer Programs
- Ronald C. Dunlap Elementary
- Franklin Elementary
- McKinley Elementary
- Kaleidoscope Academy
- Appleton North High School
Amy Swick
English Learner (EL) Program Coordinator
(920) 852-5300 ext. 60234
Denise Tetzlaff
Franklin Elementary School Principal
Andrea Vinje
McKinley Elementary School Principal
Bill McClone
Dunlap Elementary School Principal
Alex Molitor
Kaleidoscope Academy Principal
Nate Werner
Appleton North High School Principal