Health & Human Performance
Mission Statement
It is the belief of the Appleton Area School District that health is a dynamic state of well-being. Total is the lifelong interdependence, constant interaction, and balance of the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual dimensions of human growth and development. Health education can prevent health problems and improve the quality of life and total well-being.
Health instruction provides students with opportunities to develop skills for daily living and prepares individuals for their multiple future roles in society. Quality health education motivates individuals to voluntarily take responsibility for protecting, maintaining, and improving their health. The emphasis is on having individuals successfully develop, establish and achieve positive lifestyle goals.
Health instruction is a basic ingredient to facilitating achievement of a healthful lifestyle. It encourages the individual and the community to assume responsibility for the promotion of well-being and the prevention of disease and disability.
K-12 Health Standards Committee
Physical Education
Mission Statement
At all stages of life people's body systems grow, develop, and function best physiologically when they exercise regularly and appropriately. Significant healthful changes in one's own well being can be achieved through developing and practicing an individually designed exercise program which promotes optimum health, fitness, and stress relieving elements.
In order for students to be able to make sound value judgments in their own best interest, it is important for them to learn that physical activity can result in their looking, feeling, and functioning to better advantage in their day to day activities. Physical education is an essential element in implementing the District's educational philosophy and goals by contributing to the physical, intellectual, and social growth of the individual.
Its purpose is to build physical fitness, teach a broad range of psycho motor skills and movement principles, and develop desirable attitudes and behaviors. Physical education is unique in that it reaches education objectives primarily through physical activity.
Curriculum Committee
Human Performance (P.E.)
EC-12 Health Education
- Acquire and analyze information relevant to current health issues and practices
- Understand their potential for total health and well being
- Develop and maintain lifelong physical, emotional, social, and intellectual health practices
- Develop decision-making and life management skills that improve quality of life and facilitate the realization of personal lifestyle goals
- Become aware of personal responsibility for the promotion and maintenance of individual, family and societal health
EC-12 Physical Education
- Become competent in many movement forms and proficient in a few movement forms of physical activity
- Become physically fit
- Participate regularly in physical activity
- Value physical activity and its contribution to a healthy lifestyle