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Mission Statement

The Appleton Area School District believes the study of science should encourage our students to examine the world around them. Students will become scientifically literate, applying scientific and engineering thinking, reasoning, and knowledge throughout their lives. Using scientific processes and principles is essential for students Early Childhood-12th grade to apply critical thinking skills in order to make informed and responsible decisions.  

Updated April 23, 2018



When engaging with Science, students in the Appleton Area School District will demonstrate…

  • understanding of key science concepts and apply them to their world
  • knowledge and understanding that scientific knowledge is continually undergoing revision and refinement based on new experiments and data
  • knowledge and understanding that the process of science is based on questioning and providing empirical evidence to support claims
  • how to apply scientific concepts and processes for evaluating consequences and making informed, responsible choices (regarding self, others, environment)
  • an understanding that science and technology are critical in order to provide and evaluate alternative solutions to problems in our world
  • an engagement in STEM experiences as both scientists and engineers in order to prepare for postsecondary and career readiness

Updated April 23, 2018