Social Studies
Mission Statement
The primary purpose of the social studies program is to enable citizens to make informed decisions for participation in a culturally diverse democratic society (whether at home, school, or work) in order to succeed in the community as well as in an interdependent world. This is accomplished by the integrated study of human interaction and of the humanities.
K-12 Social Studies Standards Committee
May 1999
- Develop a chronological sense of time, continuity and change and awareness of geographic place
- Recognize that history and culture influence a society
- Discern cause and effect relationships
- Understand reasons for conflicting ideas and to develop possible resolutions
- Adopt a wider perspective
- Interpret visually-oriented content
- Recognize the rights and responsibilities of individuals and of society
- Analyze and evaluate information/data
- Accept democratic beliefs
- Develop an awareness of current affairs
- Recognize facts and vocabulary pertinent to the grade and/or discipline