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World Languages

Mission Statement

The AASD World Language Department will instill in our students the importance of responsible, sensitive, and life-long global citizenship through language and cultural competence, connections with other disciplines, and active participation in multilingual communities at home and around the world.

Impact of the Mission

AASD World Language students will:

  • Value culture
  • Improve language skills for communication
  • Be prepared for a future career in the global marketplace
  • Understand the interrelationship between World Language and other curricular areas
  • Realize personal interest
  • Learn about their heritage
  • Fulfill college entrance requirements and qualify for retroactive credits for many institutions
  • Apply their knowledge and skills via travel and co-curricular/community opportunities



  • Listen to and comprehend a native speaker of the target language within contexts familiar to the student.
  • Discuss topics of personal importance with a native speaker of the target language.
  • Read with understanding authentic non-technical texts in the target language.
  • Write effectively in the target language to communicate information about a variety of topics.
  • Interact in a culturally sensitive manner with speakers of other languages.
  • Acquire a greater understanding of target cultures through their fine arts, history, and literature.