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Grading Practices

Academic Integrity
We expect ethical behavior from all students. Dishonest and unethical behavior, such as lying, cheating, or plagiarism, will not be tolerated. If these behaviors occur, they will be documented through an Office Discipline Referral per district procedures.  Students will be given an alternative assessment as determined by the teacher.

Regular attendance is essential to student success and the ability to master content may be impacted by missed instruction due to absences. Student attendance will not be used in the calculation of academic scores. Upon returning from an absence students are expected to make arrangements to learn content that was missed and complete any necessary assessments.

Late Work
Students are required to submit both formative and summative tasks on the due date. Work submitted late will not receive an academic consequence; however, students will have until two weeks after the completion of a unit to turn in missing work.

Separating Behavior from Academics
Grades will be a representation of what students know and are able to do in relationship to the standard. Because of this, student learning habits (effort, participation, adherence to class expectations, etc.) are not included in the letter grade.