ACP Process and Students with Disabilities

What is the difference between the ACP and the IEP/PTP?
ACP is a state requirement, but not required by federal law. The IEP/PTP is a federal as well as a state requirement.

ACP is a process of connecting academics to career development that begins in grade 6. Engaging in ACP will result in an e-portfolio product which should be used to inform the student's IEP/PTP. Such information will inform annual goals, course of study, transition services provided, and post-secondary goals for students IEP/PTP’s. In Wisconsin, the initial PTP is completed at the first IEP meeting where a student turns 14 during the life of that IEP. Every IEP that is developed for a student in Wisconsin who is 14 or over 14 years of age must include a PTP. Because the ACP and the IEP/PTP are developed for the individual student, the resources and services will be unique to each youth under both the ACP process and IEP/PTP development. Engaging in the ACP process will provide increased self-knowledge and resources to the student with a disability as they transition from high school to postsecondary school and employment.

How will the ACP work with a student’s IEP/PTP?
It is important that students with disabilities participate in the ACP process in the same ways that other students do so that they have the same opportunities to explore career interests; access the same school staff expertise outside of the IEP/PTP team; and are not treated differently from the other students.

The PTP is the part of the IEP (I-8) that meets the federal indicator 13 requirements. A student’s ACP is not equivalent to the IEP/PTP and cannot serve as a replacement. Rather, students will be better prepared to share their goals for the future with their IEP teams as a result of participating in ACP. The intersection can be thought of in this way; ACP gives students with disabilities an even earlier start on exploring options for future employment and the steps needed to accomplish their goals.

This is the case for two reasons. One, the student will begin the ACP process in grade 6, providing the opportunity for career exploration. Two, the student will already have ideas and artifacts from the ACP that can be applied to the PTP by the time they turn 14. Age-appropriate transition assessment, course of study, transition services, and individualized post-secondary goals for training and education and employment that are required for the PTP will align with information compiled within ACP.

Who will be assigned to work with students with disabilities on their ACP?
ACP service delivery should take place for students with disabilities in the same way as students without disabilities. Districts will determine who will be assigned to students and should be flexible enough to accommodate student needs on a case by case basis.