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Hygiene Drive Kicks Off February 24!

We are proud to share that this year we have district-wide participation in the annual Fox Cities “Help for the Homeless” hygiene drive organized through The Family Radio Network! All of our schools will be collecting NEW hygiene and cleaning items from February 24th to March 14th. Please send your donations to school with your student, or stop by to drop them off in the Help for the Homeless collection box located at your child’s school by Friday, March 14th.

Donations received at our AASD collection sites are used within our AASD school community to stock our Basic Needs Care Closet for students/families in need. These donations are also the primary source of hygiene products provided to students and families experiencing homelessness. Our AASD homeless support program provides services and support to over 600 families each school year. Our school district collection efforts also contribute to the greater Fox Valley area crisis agencies.

The most frequently needed items are laundry detergent, hand soap, dish soap, shampoo/conditioner (especially children’s products), cleaning supplies, toilet paper, and deodorant.

*Financial donations can also be made (cash, checks made out to “The Family” with “Help for the Homeless- AASD” written in the memo line or online Help For The Homeless-The Family.

The goal of the drive is to supply a year’s worth of products to each AASD school site and our district homeless support program. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

When a family is experiencing homelessness and in survival mode, a kind helping hand means the world to them. Giving a family in crisis a Care Package with diapers, bath and shower supplies, toothpaste and toothbrushes, laundry soap, and toilet paper can allow them to feel supported and able to take care of their family's needs. Sometimes parents struggle with the feeling that there is “no one to help us” and having a Care Closet in our school district allows me to help in a tangible, immediate way. Watching little kids’ eyes light up having their own new toothbrush and fun bath soap and knowing their mom can wash their clothes for school at the laundromat reflects how much this community project impacts the lives of families in crisis.- Molly McGregor, Homeless Liaison, Appleton Area School District