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Distribution of Non-Instructional Materials

Distribution of Non-Instructional Materials to Elementary and Middle School Students

Effective March 1, 2024, revised August 2024.

The Appleton Area School District expects the primary focus of each school to be the academic program of that school. Accordingly, it expects time at school to be devoted to teaching and learning and intends to protect this time from unnecessary disruptions. The District also recognizes the value of distributing materials from community organizations and businesses that contribute to the AASD’s mission of ensuring that each graduate is academically, socially, and emotionally prepared for success in life. Every Student, Every Day. 

The District receives many requests from local organizations and businesses to distribute information and materials to our students. This guidance identifies the organizations and businesses from which the District will accept requests to distribute non-instructional materials and the available methods for display and/or distribution of non-instructional materials.

To ensure an efficient process, please review the Distribution of Non-Instructional Materials to Elementary and Middle School Students guidance below before submitting any new material distribution requests.

Organizations Authorized for Display/Distribution of Non-Instructional Materials

  • Category A: School Site/District Sponsored, Congressionally Chartered Non-Profit Organizations that Promote Educational Activities (Boy Scouts of America/Scouting America, Boys and Girls Club, Girl Scouts, and Little League Baseball)
  • Category A/B: Events Organized by Community Programs for AASD Students, non-profit events
  • Category B: Community Programs for AASD School-Age Students
  • Category C: Community Programs for Adults/Combination Adult/Youth Programs
  • Category D: Private Usage for Student-Oriented Programs

If you are unsure of what category an organization falls under, please contact Débora Barraza, School Services, via email at

Methods of Distribution or Display

  • Direct Distribution: Direct Distribution shall be limited to organizations included in Category A
  • Building Display: Building Display will be allowed for all organizations included in Categories A, A/B, B, and D
  • Website Display: Website Display will be allowed for organizations included in Categories A, A/B, B, and D


Non-Instructional Materials
Non-Instructional Materials include, but are not limited to, school-sponsored, school-affiliated, community partner brochures, flyers, and posters that relate to educational/enrichment activities, events, and opportunities for AASD students or that support AASD programs.

Direct Distribution
Direct Distribution means including district-approved printed materials provided by Category A organizations in elementary/middle school student take-home folders or backpacks one time per school year per organization. Materials must follow flyer guidelines and be district-approved.

Building Display
Building Display means posting or placement of district-approved material on tables, display racks, or areas designated by the school principal on school property. Materials must follow flyer guidelines and be district-approved. Outside signage, such as yard signs, are not permitted.

Website Display
Website Display means inclusion in Community Opportunities for Students (COS). COS provides local businesses and organizations the opportunity to share information with students and families that contribute to the overall mission of the AASD.

Each month the Appleton Area School District shares community opportunities for students with families. These community opportunities for students include upcoming events and activities such as art and music camps, youth athletics, cultural events, enriching programs, and more. We encourage our families to review these opportunities for students of all ages.

  • These opportunities are not necessarily sponsored nor endorsed by the AASD or our schools but are made available as a community service for our families. They must follow our flyer guidelines. 
  • During the school year, notices of new opportunities are included in family messages, and marketing of COS is included on District social media. 
  • Flyers will remain on COS for 30 days. This length of time may be extended at the request of the submitter.
  • Flyers are due to Débora Barraza by the 20th of the month to be included in the following month’s email/social media posting.

Submission Process
Requests for Building or Website Display should be submitted to Débora Barraza, School Services, via email. Submissions must follow our flyer guidelines.

Category A
Please contact Débora Barraza, School Services, and share what method of Distribution or Display you are seeking. Category A can submit printed materials in student take-home folders or backpacks one time per school year per organization. Organizations connected to a high school can only have materials distributed to feeder schools and charter schools within that same cluster. (View school progression here to determine feeder schools).

Multiple submissions will not be accepted within the same school year. The submitter can determine the time of year/day of distribution. School Services will track yearly direct distributions. Submissions must follow our flyer guidelines

For Direct Distribution organizations will need to provide:

  • a copy of the material for review
  • the date the material should be distributed
  • the cluster of schools that should be included
  • grades to be included
  • and contact information for the organization/event

Once a submission has been received and approved:

  • Printed copies should be delivered to the District Leadership Center, ATTN: Débora Barraza, 131 E. Washington Street, Suite 1A, Appleton, WI 54911
  • Materials approved for distribution must be bundled and labeled in groups of 25 and should not be stapled.
  • Paper copies must be received at least five (5) business days prior to the distribution date.
  • It’s strongly recommended that translated copies (Spanish, Hmong) are included.
  • Category A is welcome to submit for Website/Building Display in addition to Direct Distribution.

Notes: The District or school will not make copies or additional copies. The District or school will not translate materials.

Other Channels for Promotion

  • Organizations are not allowed to recruit or promote at elementary/middle schools during the school day and at school activities unless invited by the school. The exception to this is the school’s Meet & Greet in late August. (Note: most sites do not do in-person registration due to online registration.) To set up an information booth at a Meet & Greet, the organization should contact Débora Barraza at for approval.
  • Organizations are not allowed to recruit or promote their organization through elementary/middle school newsletters, emails to families at the school, school-based social media accounts, school marquee signs, or yard signs.

Use of AASD Buildings
Community groups can follow the current practice of reserving space using the Use of Buildings and principal approval process. This is required for all groups using our school facilities after school hours.