Family Communications
- Family Communications
This message contains important updates, including details on 4K enrollment, a summary of recent boundary changes in the AASD, our upcoming Educator Recruitment Event, information about the district-wide hygiene drive, attendance letter FAQs, and a reminder about our bullying and incident reporting system.
- Family Communications
This family message includes a reminder about tomorrow’s Charter School Fair, next year’s school calendar, 2025-26 charter school application window information, a notice about the upcoming Ballard Road Interchange project, an event for special education parents/guardians, winter clothing drive information, helpful guidance to help determine if your student is well enough to attend school, a reminder of resources for homeless students, information about high school programs, an overview of weather-related school closures and Snow Day Partner Programs, an opportunity to provide feedback on materials, and Community Opportunities for Students.
- Family Communications
This family message includes important updates and information on next year’s school calendar, the charter school application window for the 2025-26 school year (now open) and the upcoming Charter School Fair, an event for special education parents/guardians, an overview of weather-related school closures and Snow Day Partner Programs, winter clothing drive information, info about high school Explore Night, school and district state report cards, an opportunity to provide feedback on materials, and Community Opportunities for Students.
- Family Communications
Included in this family message is
- information about the charter school application window for the 2025-26 school year and the upcoming Charter School Fair,
- an invitation to a listening session on Sandy Slope attendance boundaries,
- referendum project updates,
- helpful health guidance,
- attendance reminders,
- a summary of the weather-related school closure process,
- an opportunity to provide feedback on instructional materials,
- and Community Opportunities for Students.
- Family Communications
Included in this family message is
- a reminder about free and reduced meal applications,
- an invitation to Fall into Wellness,
- an opportunity to provide feedback on materials,
- an overview of how we keep families informed about their students’ attendance,
- this month’s Community Opportunities for Students.
- Family Communications
It’s been a great start to the year! Whether this is your first year in the AASD or you are a returning family, thank you so much for choosing our District for the education of your student(s)!
- Family Communications
There are just a few weeks to go until the start of a new year! We hope this communication will help to prepare your student and your family for the new school year so that your first days and week are productive and exciting. Our entire staff is so excited to see our students on Tuesday, September 3!
- Family Communications
We hope you are having a wonderful summer, and enjoying time with your family! While we are still many weeks from the first day of school, we have some important information and back-to-school reminders to share.