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ESSA Teacher Quality Notification

The Appleton Area School District (AASD) knows the educational success your child(ren) experiences is directly related to the quality of our educational staff. The AASD is committed to hiring and retaining high-quality staff members.

One measure of teacher quality is their educational background and licensure. All AASD teachers have at least a bachelor’s degree and are licensed teachers by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. In addition, 60% of our teachers hold an advanced degree.

Greg Hartjes,
Superintendent of Schools

ESSA Title I Teacher Quality Notification

Federal law requires that we share with you the qualifications of teachers within the Appleton Area School District but specifically those schools receiving Title I funding.

In addition, all instructional paraprofessionals working in Title I schools have completed a “highly qualified” status which requires they have specialized training or hold a two-year or more degree or equivalent credits.

Title I Schools