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Improve and Innovate 

On November 8th, 2022, voters approved both Appleton Area School District referendum questions on the ballot. 

We are heartened by our community’s support of our current and future students. We cannot wait to get started on improving and innovating our buildings to support Success for Every Student Every Day.

The approved $129.8 million capital referendum question will allow us to expand, renovate, and modernize our schools. This strong support directly reflects our community’s commitment to high-quality public schools. Current and future students will benefit from your support. We know that when our students succeed, our community succeeds as well.

Progress, timelines, and updates on referendum projects will be shared below. We encourage you to follow along to see our community’s investment in action. 


Elementary Schools

  • Build Sandy Slope Elementary School to accommodate enrollment growth on the north side, allowing for reduction of Kindergarten-2nd grade class sizes district-wide, and helping to facilitate the transition of 6th grade to our middle schools In progress 
  • Complete individualized projects at each elementary school to create dedicated Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) classrooms, improve security as needed, and update available spaces Construction begins Spring 2025 🚧

Middle Schools

  • Modernize our four middle schools, add capacity to allow for 6th grade to move into our middle schools, and update Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) areas Completed 

High Schools

  • Build additions and complete renovations at our three high schools In progress 

Operational Referendum

The approved operational referendum provides increased annual funding of $5 million to pay for:

  • STEM staffing, which will include twelve elementary teachers and four middle school paraprofessionals Hired 
  • Kindergarten-2nd-grade class size reduction to reduce average class sizes from 25 to 1 to 20 to 1 
  • Staffing and ongoing utility, cleaning, and maintenance costs for new spaces


A timeline that shows the status of different referendum projects


Madison Middle School Overview

Einstein Middle School Overview

Appleton West Athletic Addition

Referendum Updates

Family Tour

A recent highlight in the Sandy Slope construction process was welcoming the Van Handel family for a school tour. The family was able to see the progress firsthand and reflect on the impact the school will have on the community.

  • sandy slope elementary
Improve & Innovate
In the fall of 2022, voters approved both referendum questions on the ballot. One question supported increased staffing and operational costs for our new spaces and the second question approved $130 million for the construction/renovations of our schools.
Progress, timelines, and updates on referendum projects will be shared on our district website. We encourage you to follow along to see our community’s investment in action. 
  • sandy slope elementary

Revised Financial Impact (October 18, 2022)

Appleton-area voters supported both the operating referendum AND capital referendum. The estimated increase to the school portion of your local property taxes is $0.04, or $4 for each $100,000 of a home’s value.

Are you interested in a longer, more thorough breakdown of the revised financial impact of the referendum? Check out this longer explainer here.

View Our Playlist of Referendum Informational Videos