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Board Members

The school board consists of seven citizens who are elected at large for three-year terms. They are responsible to the voters and act under the directions and restrictions of state law. They serve without pay. Board members have no power to act individually in the name of the board. Action can be taken only when the board is meeting in regular session with a majority of its members present. Roberts Rules of Order is the parliamentary authority for procedure.

Nick Ross

Member, CESA 6 Representative, and WASB Delegate

  • Term Expires 2026
Community Linkages Committee

Edward Ruffolo (Chair)
Nick Ross
Kris Sauter

Policy Review Committee

Kay Eggert (Chair)
Nick Ross
Pheng Thao

Student Representatives

Aubrey Detert
Olivia Feng
Anthony Lindenstruth

Contact the School Board

If you have specific questions relating to board policies or action, please call the Office of the Superintendent of Schools at (920) 852-5300 ext. 60111, write to Board of Education members at: Appleton Area School District, P.O. Box 2019, Appleton, WI 54912-2019, or email

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