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170 - Meetings of the School Board



Public Notice:

All meetings of the Board shall be preceded by appropriate notice, in accordance with State law requirements. Meeting agendas are available on the District’s website via BoardDocs before each meeting and hard copies are available at the meeting.

School Board Meetings:

Official business of the School Board shall be transacted at regular monthly meetings and at such other meetings of the Board as are authorized by law (Wisconsin State Statute 120.11).

The School Board shall annually determine its meeting schedule and share those dates, times, locations as an Item of Information on a School Board meeting agenda. They will be scheduled on at least one day each month. The current meeting schedule, including dates, times, locations, and any changes, can be found on the District’s website. Each meeting will be properly noticed as per Wisconsin State Statute 985.01.

School Board meetings may be moved to a larger space within the District when the Superintendent or Board President become aware that a larger crowd may be in attendance than can be accommodated in the scheduled location.

All regular meetings shall be open to the public, except as specifically provided by State Statute. Only those items of business included on the properly noticed agenda shall be discussed and/or acted upon by the Board at the meeting. Board agendas are developed by the Superintendent in collaboration with the Board President. Any Board member may request that an item be considered for a future agenda by contacting the Superintendent and/or Board President.

When the School Board receives public input on topics/issues that are not part of the properly noticed meeting agenda, Board members shall not engage in any extensive discussion or debate on any such topic/issue, and shall not take any action addressing the merits of any such topic/issue.

Minutes of each meeting shall be recorded, and the proceedings of each meeting shall be [posted or published, (per the requirements of section 120.11(4) of Wisconsin State Statute as applied to the District)] within 45 days of each board meeting.

The Board, with the assistance of the District Business Services office, shall ensure that a detailed record of receipts and expenditures is available to the public for inspection at one Board meeting each month.

Meetings may be adjourned to a specific date for the consideration of unfinished business.

Board Subcommittee Meetings:

Subcommittees of the Board typically include, but are not limited to Business Services, Personnel Services, Policy Review, and Programs and Services are held at the Scullen Leadership Center.

The current Subcommittee meeting schedules, including dates, times, and any changes, can be found on the District’s website. Each meeting will be properly noticed as per Wisconsin State Statute 985.01.

Public Hearings:

Public Hearings of the Board are held to discuss items such as the annual budget.

Additional Meetings:

Additional meetings can be scheduled outside of the regularly scheduled School Board meetings to approve timely items. Notice requirements pursuant to State Statute will be followed.


Legal References:
Wisconsin State Statute 19.81(2), 19.83, 19.84, 19.85, 120.11(2), 120.11(4), 985.01

Cross References:
Public Input at School Board and Board Subcommittee Meetings, 187 and 187-Rule

Adoption Date: September 14, 1987

Amended Date: May 21, 2018

  • Series 100: Board of Education
First page of the PDF file: 170

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