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171.2 - Agenda Preparation and Dissemination



Board meetings are where the School Board conducts the Board's business. Developing well- thought-out meeting agendas that focus on the primary work of the Board, governing the District to create an environment that enables high student achievement for all, is of great importance to holding effective and productive meetings.

So that the Board may accomplish its business, the Superintendent and the Board President shall work collaboratively to prepare regular School Board meeting agendas. Any Board member may request that an item be considered for a future agenda. This request should be submitted in writing to the Superintendent and/or Board President prior to the Wednesday preceding the upcoming Board meeting. If the request is denied and the individual disagrees with the Superintendent's and/or Board President's decision, the Board member may insist that the next regular meeting of the Board include an Agenda Setting Topic where the Board as a whole can decide when, if at all, the issue in question will be (1) calendared for substantive discussion and/or possible action, or (2) referred (e.g., to a subcommittee or to the administration). Discussion regarding the Agenda Setting Topic cannot be substantive in nature and must be limited solely to the appropriateness of scheduling the item on a future agenda.

Board Agenda/Packet

The particular order of agenda items may vary from meeting-to-meeting in keeping with the business at-hand.

The agenda/packet shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. Approval of minutes of the previous Board meeting(s).
  2. A period for public input.
  3. A brief explanation of each item appearing on the agenda, along with an indication of whether it is intended as an action item, or primarily as a discussion or informational item.
  4. Data and support information that will be helpful to Board members in considering the agenda items. (Whenever possible, proposals should be accompanied by pertinent fiscal notes and financial estimates.)
  5. A statement of receipts and expenditures in the aggregate to be approved as provided by the business office.

During meetings, the Board shall follow the order of business set up by the agenda unless the order is altered by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting.

Dissemination for Board Members

The agenda packet shall be disseminated to Board members via BoardDocs in sufficient time before the meeting so that the Board may give items of business careful consideration. As a general guideline, and with such exceptions as may be necessary from time to time, a meeting agenda (even if tentative) and the supporting materials shall be distributed to Board members and the Leadership Team of the District at least two days prior to each Board meeting.

Public Notice and Dissemination

The Superintendent, as designee for the Board President, will direct the proper posting and issuance of public notice of Board meetings at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. When, for good cause, providing 24-hour notice is impossible or impractical, State law allows that shorter notice may be given, but the public notice must always be given at least two hours in advance of the meeting.

Public notice of School Board meeting agendas shall be given to the news media and for the benefit of other interested individuals in accordance with legal requirements. The official public notice of the meeting shall be posted in at least 3 public locations within the District.

In the absence of technical difficulties, the official public notice shall also be made available to the public in advance of the meeting via placement on Board Docs via the District's website.

Amendments to Meeting Agendas and to the Public Notice

In the event that after the original public notice of a meeting has been posted/issued, a matter arises or is identified that is not included on the original notice, or in the event that it is necessary to modify or clarify items of business that appear on the original public notice, the Superintendent, in consultation with the Board President, shall take such steps as are necessary to amend the public notice in advance of the meeting, including providing the media outlets that have requested notification of Board meetings with copies of the amended notice. Any amendments to the public notice of a Board meeting must be made according to the same deadlines as the law establishes for original notices.

Notice to the public of necessary amendments to the original public notice of a Board meeting will be given in the same manner as the original, unless such notice is impracticable due to publication or broadcast deadlines. Notice to the media of an amended notice will generally be given by electronic communication to ensure timely transmission.

In the event that a matter arises or is identified after the Board has been provided with a copy of a meeting agenda, but prior to the posting and issuance of the original public notice of the meeting, the draft of the public notice shall simply be modified prior to posting/issuance. The Superintendent or his/her designee, shall inform the Board that the original agenda they received has been amended in a manner that is consistent with the public notice, and shall also provide the Board with any supplemental background materials related to the changes to the agenda.


Cross References:
Policy 170, Meetings of the School Board
Policy 187 and 187-Rule Public Input at School Board and Board Subcommittee Meetings

Legal References:
Wisconsin State Statutes 19.81, 19.83(2), 19.84, 19.85, 120.11, 120.11(4), 120.43(2), 985.01

Adoption Date: September 14, 1987

Amended Date: September 10, 2018 and February 25, 2019

  • Series 100: Board of Education
First page of the PDF file: 171-2

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