Elementary Hours of Instruction
Four-year-old kindergarten students will receive 437 hours of instruction with a minimum of 2.5 consecutive hours per session. Five-year-old kindergarten students in a half-day program will receive a minimum of 437 hours of instruction per year. Students in full-day five-year-old kindergarten through Grade 6 will receive a minimum of 1,050 hours of instruction per school year.
Middle School Hours of Instruction
Middle school students will receive a minimum of 1,137 hours of instruction per school year.
Senior High Hours of Instruction
Senior high school students will receive a minimum of 1,137 hours of instruction, or other Board-approved activity per school year.
Cross Reference:
School Day (Minutes of Instruction), 321-Rule
Legal References:
Wisconsin State Statutes 115.01(10), 120.12(15), 120.44 and 121.02(1)(f)
Wisconsin Administrative Code PI 8.01(2)(t)
Adoption Date: January 13, 2003
Amended Date: June 10, 2013 and April 22, 2019
Elementary Instruction
In the elementary grades, regular instruction shall be provided in reading, language arts, social studies, mathematics, science, health, physical education, art, and music. In this subdivision, “regular instruction” means instruction each week for the entire school term in sufficient frequency and length to achieve the objectives and allocation of instructional time identified in the curriculum plans developed and adopted.
Middle School Instruction
In the middle school grades, regular instruction shall be provided in reading, language arts, social studies, mathematics, science, health, physical education, art, and music. The school board shall also provide pupils with an introduction to career exploration and planning. In this subdivision, “regular instruction” means instruction each week for the entire school term in sufficient frequency and length to achieve the objectives and allocation of instructional time identified in the curriculum plans developed and adopted. Middle-level formats which offer or require a variety of exploratory experiences for pupils, such as foreign language, business education, vocational agriculture, technology education, home economics education, and marketing education, health, art, and general music may be provided in sufficient frequency and length to achieve the objectives and allocation of instructional time identified in the curriculum plans developed and adopted.
In grades 7 and 8, provide regular instruction shall be provided in foreign language. In this subdivision “regular instruction in foreign language” means access to instruction in sufficient frequency and length to achieve the objectives and time allocations of a written, sequential curriculum plan in foreign language.
An introduction to career exploration and planning, through a one-semester course or the equivalent in instructional time and course content, shall be integrated within grades 7 through 8.
High School Instruction
In grades 9 to 12, regular instruction shall be provided that allows access to an educational program that enables pupils each year to study English, social studies, mathematics, science, vocational education, foreign language, physical education, art, and music. In this subdivision, “access” means an opportunity to study through school district course offerings, independent study, cooperative educational service agencies, or cooperative arrangements between school boards and post-secondary institutions.
Social Studies Instruction
In grades kindergarten through grade 8, include instruction in the social studies curriculum in the history, culture, and tribal sovereignty of the federally recognized American Indian tribes and bands located in this state in at least two grade levels and in at least one grade level in grades 9 through 12.
Adoption Date: January 13, 2003
Amended Date: June 10, 2013 and April 22, 2019
- Series 300: Instruction