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342.1 - Programs & Services for Students with Disabilities



The Board believes that all students with disabilities will benefit from a free and appropriate public education. It shall be the policy of the Board of Education to make appropriate special education programs and related services available to students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations and the policies and procedures contained in the District’s Special Education and Disability Procedures handbook. The Board recognizes that special education programs and services are a part of the total educational program in the District. The Board also recognizes the legal requirement for the District to educate students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment that is appropriate to their individual needs.

The Director of Special Education shall be the local education agency (LEA) authorized official who shall have authority to adopt, modify and implement special education policies and procedures as are necessary to meet legal mandates and as are deemed necessary for the District to provide special education programs and related services.

The Director of Special Education shall not have authority to adopt, without first obtaining Board approval, new discretionary policies or procedures that obligate District funds in a manner not already allocated for such purpose within the Board approved school district budget.

The Director of Special Education shall have the responsibility for completing all special education report forms, audit materials and District plans as may be required by any state or federal agency.

Consistent with all applicable laws and regulations, it is the expectation of the Board that:

  • Students with disabilities participate in age-appropriate general education programs--- academic, non-academic and co-curricular with students who do not have disabilities. When making education program and service decisions for students with disabilities, consideration shall be given to the rights and needs of all students, including those without disabilities.
  • Students with disabilities have access to appropriate academic and behavioral interventions and supports to improve student achievement and promote positive learning experiences.

Specific educational programs and services for students with disabilities shall be determined by an individualized education program (IEP) team. Students with disabilities shall participate in academic assessments required by law and by the District, with or without accommodations, or in alternate assessments as outlined in the students’ IEP.

Within the parameters of state and federal laws governing the operation of programs for students with disabilities, there are due process safeguards for parent rights and appeals. Such provisions shall be adhered to by the District.


Legal References:
Wisconsin State Statutes Chapter 115, Subchapter V, 118.13, 118.30(2) (b) 1, 121.54(3)
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Wisconsin Administrative Code PI 11
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Cross Reference:
Special Education Procedures Handbook

Adoption Date: September 14, 1987

Amended Date: April 28, 2014

  • Series 300: Instruction
First page of the PDF file: 342-1

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