As required by the ESEA, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (PL-107-110), this District has established and implemented a districtwide salary schedule and will use state and local funds to provide services in Title I project areas, which if taken as a whole, are at least comparable to services being provided in areas not receiving funds under this chapter. Should all school attendance areas be designated as project areas, state and local funds will be used to provide services which are substantially comparable in each project area.
It is thus the stated policy of this District to ensure equivalency among schools or grade levels within the District in provision of:
- Teachers, administrators, and auxiliary personnel
- Curriculum materials and instructional supplies
Documentation verifying compliance with this policy will be maintained annually and records will be updated on a biennial basis documenting compliance. These records will be available for Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction or auditors review upon request.
It is understood that unpredictable changes in enrollment or personnel assignments which occur after the beginning of a school year need not be included as a factor in determining comparability of services.
Adoption Date: March 13, 2006
- Series 300: Instruction