All cultures and languages are valuable resources to learn and live in the Appleton Area School District (AASD) and our global community. Multilingualism creates learning environments that draw from the rich linguistic diversity and cultural strengths of AASD students. Research shows when students’ identities, histories, cultures, and languages are included in a meaningful and equitable education, they are better able to learn academic content and the official language medium of education, be it English or other primary languages.
The Board of Education recognizes the important role of multilingualism in providing a meaningful and equitable education for student achievement:
- All languages are an asset.
- Language is foundational to academic learning.
- Language learning should be integrated into all teaching for MLs.
- All educators are language educators.
- English Language Development Standards support the language development of ALL students.
The AASD shall strive to meet the following goals of this policy:
- provide a range of language program(s) for multilingual students, which include students identified as English Learners (“EL”) and students who want to learn an additional language;
- provide effective educators with appropriate knowledge, skills, and instructional materials; and
- provide outreach support to families to become actively engaged in their children’s education.
The School Board shall provide appropriate educational and support services for students whose primary language is not English to help them acquire English language skills that will enable them to function successfully in an all-English classroom and help them meet established academic standards.
The District shall assess the English proficiency and academic progress of English Learners (EL) in accordance with legal requirements and established District procedures.
Adoption Date: January, 8, 2024
- To promote partnerships that support the implementation of this policy, the Department shall establish a permanent advisory committee made up of diverse stakeholders, including family members, community leaders, multilingual speakers, educational experts, school practitioners, and administrators.
- The EL/Bilingual Coordinator shall provide an annual report on the implementation of this policy to the Board.
- The EL/Bilingual Coordinator shall seek the necessary funds to implement this policy, but nothing in this policy shall require the expenditure of funds in excess of what is appropriated to the Assessment, Curriculum & Instruction Department.
- The AASD shall comply with all state and federal laws related to language in education, but nothing in this policy shall confer any rights or obligations to students, parents, employees or other persons, beyond those provided for by law.
- Decisions regarding the administration of state-wide academic tests to EL students shall be made on an individualized, case-by-case basis. The District may not exempt EL students from taking state-wide academic tests based solely on their EL status. However, testing accommodations shall be provided if the student needs such accommodations. Any accommodations made shall maintain the validity of the test, as determined by the Department of Public Instruction (DPI). The degree of testing accommodations, curricular and instructional modification, type of support services, and their duration shall be determined individually based on student need.
- The results of state-wide academic tests shall be used in a manner that is consistent with District policies in making instructional, promotion, and graduation decisions. Neither the results on such tests nor the exemption of a student from taking any such test(s) may be used as the sole criterion in re-classifying an EL student from a bilingual-bicultural education program or in determining grade promotion, eligibility for courses or programs, eligibility for graduation or eligibility for participation in postsecondary education opportunities
- Parents and guardians of EL students shall be notified of student testing arrangements and of educational programs and services available to help their children improve their English language skills and academic achievement. These notifications shall be made consistent with legal requirements and in such a manner as to ensure that the student’s parent or guardian understands them.
- Students shall be exited from EL programs or services when they have met the District guidelines and state criteria for English proficiency.
- Students reaching an Overall Composite of 5.0 or greater on the annual English Language Proficiency Assessment, and students reaching an Overall Composite of 4.5 - 4.9 with additional evidence of proficiency based on the Multiple Indicator Protocol must be reclassified to English Proficient.
- Once students have been exited, they shall no longer be tested on their English proficiency or receive state testing accommodations for EL students.
- Former EL students shall be monitored for two years after exiting the program. If during that time, it is determined that the student was exited from the EL program prematurely, they may be placed back into the program based on the results of the multiple indicator protocol. Students who return to EL status must then participate in the annual English Language Proficiency Assessment. State reporting of the academic progress of former EL students shall be done in accordance with legal requirements and as required by the DPI.
Cross References:
Equal Opportunity, 411
Student Nondiscrimination, 411.2
Legal References:
Wisconsin Statutes 115.96, 115.97, 118.13, 118.30(2)(b)2, 121.01(1)(r), 121.02(1)(s)
Administrative Rule PI 8.01(r), PI 13
Adoption Date: January, 8, 2024
- Series 300: Instruction