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343.43 - Work Experience Credit Program



The Board of Education recognizes that in order to be prepared for life after high school, students need to be prepared for college, career and community. Work Experience offers students the opportunity to develop skills that will assist them in career decision making and appropriate work behavior. The learnon-the-job format will help students progress toward post-high school education and career goals.

Supervised work experiences may also be a means by which students can earn elective credits. The following procedures shall be followed when awarding high school credit to students for engaging in work experience opportunities.


Cross References:
Equal Opportunity, 411
Student Nondiscrimination, 411.2
School Entrance Ages and Early Admission, 421 and 421-Rule
Student Attendance, 430 and 430-Rule

Legal References:
Wisconsin Statutes Section 106.07; 106.13; 115.28(59); 118.34; 118.56; 121.02(1)(L)2; 121.02(1)(m)

Adoption Date: May 23, 2022







  1. Students engaging in District-approved, work experience learning may earn up to 4 elective credits required for graduation from high school. Students receiving special education services may have the ability to exceed 4 credits per their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). In order to earn elective credits, the student must:
    1. obtain a work permit, if appropriate;
    2. obtain employment with an approved employer;
    3. provide copies of all pay-stubs and/or other documentation to confirm actual hours of student engagement and completion of the AASD Work-Volunteer Experience Log;
    4. complete any required academic assignments related to the experience
  2. A student will not be excused from scheduled classes in order to participate in work experience.
  3. School work must be maintained at an acceptable level. If the school work should fall below the acceptable level, the student may be removed from the work experience opportunity.
  4. Employment must not exceed the hours acceptable under current Child Labor Laws.
  5. Work Experience credit will not apply to early graduation unless the school offers an upgraded occupational skill development program, as developed by qualified staff and approved by the Principal.
  6. Students enrolled in Work Based Learning (Youth Apprenticeship, Internship, etc.) may not use hours for Work Experience credit.
  7. A student is not to change from one job or location to another without the approval of her/his principal and/or designated person in each school, and s/he is to notify her/his principal and/or the designated person in each school immediately when s/he quits a position or is released from a position.
  8. Students may accumulate work hours across multiple semesters and school years.
    • Students may continue to accumulate work hours in the summer with no additional requirements.
    • Students may accumulate work hours from any/all verified places of employment.
  9. Any student who does not meet the total program requirements will not receive work experience credit.
  10. Students who are either enrolled in the District’s alternative programs or have Individual Educational Plans (IEP) shall follow the guidelines established by the programs or the student’s IEP to meet individual student needs.

Number of Credits

Student Requirements
0 - 2.0 Credits Every 180 hours students will receive a .5 elective credit
2.5 - 4.0 Credits Additional documentations for elective hours and completion of the Advanced Work Experience Expectations
  1. Attendance is not a factor when calculating work hours for students who attend school on a regular basis. Students who have demonstrated a pattern of truancy as defined by AASD Board Policy (430 - Student Attendance) will require an additional plan that will focus on increasing school attendance to earn maximum work experience hours.


Cross References:
Equal Opportunity, 411
Student Nondiscrimination, 411.2
School Entrance Ages and Early Admission, 421 and 421-Rule
Student Attendance, 430 and 430-Rule

Legal References:
Wisconsin Statutes Section 106.07; 106.13; 115.28(59); 118.34; 118.56; 121.02(1)(L)2; 121.02(1)(m)




Advanced Work Experience Credit Expectations
Earning credit is contingent upon successful completion of required Xello components, student reflection and approval of the schools attendance team.

  • Understand Career Demands and apply learning to their career interests.
  • Analyze their interests, skills and personality in relation to their career interests.
  • Understand workplace skills and attitudes Employers value.
  • Understand the job application process.
  • Demonstrate how to properly conduct an interview.
  • Develop a resume that can be used to apply for a job.
  • Identify and create your career plan.
  • About Me (matchmaker, learning styles and skills quizzes) (25 Minutes)
  • Optional: Discuss their results from surveys and how they relate to their current employment.
  • *Workplace Skills & Attitudes Lesson - (20-30 minutes)
  • Optional: Discuss their skills and set goals to work on in their current work
  • *Career Demand Lesson (45 Minutes)
  • Optional: Complete a entry level career job application (Plexus as an example)
  • *Job Interview Lesson (30-40 Minutes)
  • Optional - mock interview with District Staff/ Business Partner to practice skills with follow up steps of a Thank you note.
  • *Defining Success (20-30 minutes)
  • Optional: Discuss their definition of success.
  • *Create Resume (30 minutes)
  • Optional: Write Thank you note, cover letter, address an envelope

Note: To complete Xello Lessons students must save 3 Careers within Xello.

* = required

  • Identify your career plan and options within your plan
    • How will you take your current work experience and apply it to your future career plan?
    • What skills do you have that will help you? What skills do you need to grow to achieve your goals?




Course: Work Experience #9900 Grade “P”

**The following information is to be completed by the instructor and returned to the Associate Principal for Curriculum and Instruction for processing along with the student’s work experience log and copies of their pay slips.

Student Name:  
Student ID #:  
School Attending: A. Central      EHS      NHS      WHS      High Grd      Other:
Staff Member:  
Program: 90 hrs per 1/2 Credit 180 hrs per 1/2 Credit


Date Submitted:  
Credit Completion Verification:

Attendance %: __________

Date Attendance Team Approved: __________

Xello Completion Date: __________

Reflection Completion Date: __________

Semester: 1st Semster 2nd Semester Summer


Staff’s Signature: ______________________________________________

Principal’s Signature: __________________________________________

Date entered on Transcript: __________________________________________

**Place the credit completion form, log and copies of paystubs in the student’s cumulative file.




Policy 343-43 Work Log Graphic


Adoption Date: May 23, 2022

  • Series 300: Instruction
First page of the PDF file: 343-43

Click the image above to download this policy as a PDF.