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361.1 - Educational Materials Selection



Responsibilities for the Selection of Educational Materials

The selection of educational materials, including textbooks and supplementary materials, is the responsibility of the professionally-trained and certified personnel employed by the Appleton Area School District (AASD). The obligation for coordinating and maintaining qualitative standards in the selection process rests with the Assessment, Curriculum, and Instruction (ACI) department administrators who have the duty to make educational materials selection recommendations.

Textbook recommendations will be submitted to the Board of Education by the Assessment, Curriculum, and Instruction administrators for review and approval. The Board of Education, as the governing body of the District, shall approve textbooks utilized within the instructional program of the Appleton Area School District.

The District has the responsibility to provide adequate materials and texts, which reflect the cultural diversity and pluralistic nature of the American society. In addition, the District shall not discriminate in the selection and evaluation of instructional materials on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, gender identify, gender expression, or physical, cognitive, emotional or learning disability in its education program and activities.

Objective of, and Criteria for, the Selection of Educational Materials

The primary objective of selecting materials is to implement, support, and enrich the educational program of the District. While specific criteria are developed by administrators and professional educators responsible for curriculum development, the general criteria utilized in the selection processes consistent with the District’s philosophy and goals are:

  • Materials are selected consistent with the educational goals of the District regarding locally designed standards, State standards, and National standards.
  • Materials selected are appropriate for the age, social development, and maturity of students.
  • Materials and information shall meet high standards of quality in factual content and presentation.
  • Materials and information shall have factual, aesthetic, literary, ethical, or social value.
  • Materials and information chosen shall be written/produced by competent and qualified authors and producers.
  • Materials and information shall be chosen to represent our pluralistic society and to foster respect for all groups of people who form our society.
  • Physical format and appearance of materials and information shall be suitable for their intended use.
  • Materials are selected on all levels of difficulty with diverse appeal and differing points of view.
  • The selection of materials on political theories and ideologies, religion, public issues, and on topics considered by some to be controversial, is directed toward maintaining a balance representing various views.
  • Materials are judged as a whole taking into account the author’s/producer’s intent rather than focusing on single words, phrases, pictures, or incidents taken out of context.

The manner in which curriculum is developed; however, is in the sole discretion of administrators, consistent with the above criteria and the District’s philosophy and goals, unless otherwise specified by State Statute.

Procedures for Handling Objections to Educational Materials

  1. Request for Use of Alternative Materials The option is always open for a parent or guardian (hereinafter parent) to object to specific educational materials being used with his/her child as part of the educational program. However, no parent or organization has the right to limit other students’ access to materials which are part of the District’s educational program.
  2. Request for Reconsideration of Educational Materials and Textbooks
    1. Any adult resident of the District, any parent of a child enrolled in the District, or any employee may raise objection to materials used in the educational program. If the nature of the complaint is discriminatory in nature, the complainant may also elect to follow the District’s Student Nondiscrimination Complaint Procedures (Policy 411.2- Rule).
    2. In the event of an objection to the use of a specific educational material, every effort shall be made to first resolve the matter at the school level. If the matter is not resolved, the complainant may formally challenge the use of specific materials at the District level.
      1. This complaint must be in writing, using the District’s Request for Reconsideration of Educational Material form – Appleton Area School District (AASD) Educational Materials Review Committee, and shall be sent to the Superintendent.
      2. The Superintendent forwards the form to the chair of the AASD Educational Materials Review Committee, which is composed of citizens, professional staff members, and students. The task of the Committee is to review the material in question and provide a written recommendation to the Superintendent regarding its continued use in the District. This Committee is considered to be a governmental body and as such, is subject to the legal requirements of the Open Meetings law.
      3. The Superintendent shall review the AASD Educational Materials Review Committee’s recommendation. The Superintendent may ratify, amend, or overrule the recommendation of the Committee. The Superintendent will provide copies of the AASD Educational Materials Review Committee’s recommendation and his/her decision to the complainant within five (5) school days of receipt of the Committee’s report. The Superintendent will provide the Board of Education and the AASD Educational Materials Review Committee with copies of his/her decision.
    3. Appeal Process
      1. If the original complainant is not satisfied with the Superintendent’s decision, a request may be filed with the Superintendent to have the matter placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting. The request needs to be filed with the Superintendent within ten (10) school days of the date of the receipt of the Superintendent’s decision. If the appeal request is submitted less than five (5) school days prior to the next regularly scheduled Voard meeting, the Superintendent may move the matter to the next subsequent regularly scheduled meeting of the Board.
      2. The Board of Education, meeting as a Committee of the whole, shall constitute the final step in the appeal process.
        1. The Board shall review the documentation accompanying the Request Form as well as the AASD Educational Materials Review Committee minutes and other related committee materials to determine whether or not procedural and nondiscriminatory guidelines outlined in this policy were followed.
        2. At its discretion, the Board may elect to conduct interviews with all parties pertinent to the material review process.
        3. A decision of the Board with regard to action taken is final.


Cross References:
Student Nondiscrimination Complaint Procedures, 411.2-Rule
Educational Materials Selection, 361.1-Rule

Legal References:
Wisconsin State Statutes 118.03, 118.13, 119.18, 120.13, 120.49 and 121.02

Adoption Date: June 26, 1993

Amended Dates: January 13, 2003, October 24, 2011, and October 23, 2017






I. Definitions

Educational materials - the general term used to refer to all print and non-print materials or resources which are used as a part of the educational program of the District. Throughout this policy, the term “materials” shall be used to mean educational materials.

Textbooks - the book or set of materials which serves as the foundation of the content of any Board-approved course. In Wisconsin, textbooks must be formally adopted by the Board of Education.

Supplementary materials - books or other non-print materials used within the context of the instructional program which are not included in the definitions of educational materials or textbooks listed above. Other resources used by the school system in its educational program such as field trips, resource persons, speakers or dramatic events, are not within the scope of this policy.

II. Procedures for Selection of Educational Materials

Curriculum revision and the corresponding selection of educational materials is an ongoing process as defined by administrators in the ACI Department. The selection of educational materials will be based on the criteria listed in this policy, the needs of the curriculum, and the judgment of the administrators and professional educators in the District.

  1. The selection of textbooks is made by ACI administrators and recommended to the Board for review and approval.
  2. The selection and use of supplementary materials is subject to the judgment of the professional educators in the District under the supervision and oversight of administrators.

III. Use of Materials in the Classroom

  1. Individual Parent or Guardian Request for Alternative Materials
    Parents and guardians have the right under the Federal Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) to inspect, upon request, any educational materials used as part of the curriculum for their child(ren). The option is always open for a parent to object to a specific educational material being used with his/her child as a part of the educational program. The parent has the right to judge whether certain materials are acceptable for his/her child. However, no individual or organization has the right to limit other students’ access to materials which are a part of the District’s educational program. Should a parent or guardian find any of the educational materials objectionable, this must be communicated to the child’s teacher and an alternative material will be provided.
  2. Request for Reconsideration of Educational Materials and Textbooks
    Any adult resident of the District, any parent of a child enrolled in the District, or any employee may raise objection to materials used in the educational program. An objection to educational materials should begin with a contact to the office of the school within the attendance area in which the adult resident lives, the child’s teacher, or the employee’s supervisor.

IV. Procedures for Handling Objections to Educational Materials and Textbooks

The principal will review the Educational Materials Selection policy and the objection procedures with the school’s professional staff on an annual basis prior to the start of the school year. The professional staff will be reminded that the right to object to materials is recognized by the Board of Education and that individuals exercising that right shall be treated courteously. The staff will also be reminded of the ethical and practical considerations necessary when handling objections.

  1. Initial Objection Procedure
    The school official or staff member receiving a complaint from an adult resident of the District, any parent of a child enrolled in the District, or any employee shall try to resolve the issue informally. The school official or staff member shall:
    1. Explain the District’s selection procedure, criteria used for selection, and the qualifications of those who made the selection.
    2. Explain the place that the material in question occupies in the educational program and its intended educational use (in the event that the official or staff member does not have knowledge of this information, a person who does, such as the department leader or media person, shall be involved).
    3. If the person raising the objection is not satisfied with the initial explanation by the staff member, the complainant shall contact the principal regarding his/her objection and schedule a meeting.
    4. The principal will meet with the complainant to apprise him/her of the District’s selection policy, criteria for selection, the reason for the selection, and the judgment of other outside professionals in the education field, such as reviewers, regarding the material. Appropriate District-level personnel shall be consulted for their expertise, which may contribute to a resolution of the issue.
    5. In the event that the complainant is not satisfied after the meeting with the principal, the principal will inform the complainant of the Materials Review Process and provide the Request for Reconsideration of Educational Material form – Educational Materials Review Committee. This form must be completed by the complainant and returned to the Superintendent. The principal will forward any records relating to the complaint to the Office of the Superintendent. 
  2. District Educational Materials Review Procedure
    The following procedure is for the purpose of bringing reconsideration requests before a District level committee representing the District, students, and the community after the matter has been reviewed at the school level. The committee is charged with weighing the merits of the request against the educational suitability of the material and then making a recommendation on the disposition of the complaint. The committee shall comply with the directive of Wis. Stat. ss. 121.02 (1) (h) that each school board shall provide adequate instructional materials, texts and library services which reflect the cultural diversity and pluralistic nature of American society.

    Request for Reconsideration of Educational Material shall not be confused with the normal reviewing process as a part of selection. This will not be considered to reflect adversely on the qualifications of the person or persons who made the selection.
    1. All formal requests for review must be made on the Request for Reconsideration of Educational Material form – AASD Educational Materials Review Committee.
    2. The Request for Reconsideration of Educational Material form must be signed by the complainant and filed with the Superintendent.
    3. Within fifteen school days of the receipt of the formal complaint, the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee shall present the formal complaint to the chair of the AASD Educational Materials Review Committee for evaluation. The task of the Review Committee will be to make a recommendation for disposition of the material in question to the Superintendent.
    4. The challenged material will not be removed from use during the reconsideration process until a decision is made by the Superintendent. However, the Superintendent reserves the right to temporarily remove materials pending the reconsideration process if justified by unusual circumstances.
  3. AASD Educational Materials Review Committees
    Two District materials review committees will be established; one to consider complaints from materials used at grades PK – 6 (elementary) and a second to consider complaints from materials used at grades 7 – 12 (secondary). These committees are considered to be governmental bodies and as such are subject to the legal requirements of the Open Meetings law.
    1. The AASD Educational Materials Review Committees shall each include:
      1. Two teachers from the appropriate level appointed biennially by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
      2. One library media specialist appointed biennially by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
      3. Two principals from the appropriate level appointed biennially by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
      4. One central office administrator appointed biennially by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
      5. One to four parents from the appropriate level (K – 6 or 7 – 12) of AASD students. Principals will notice their parent communities and seek volunteers from their school communities who are interested in serving on the Committee. An application/lottery process will be established.
      6. One to three non-parent community members who are residents of the District will be selected through an application/lottery process serving a two year term.
      7. For 7-12 Committee only -- Three high school students (11th/12th grade) with equal representation from the East, West, and North clusters selected annually by a process determined by the Superintendent’s designee. Student representatives will be non-voting members of the Committee.
      8. The Superintendent’s designee, serving as the chair of the Committee to facilitate the process as a non-voting member, voting only in the event of a tie due to an even number of Committee members.
      9. An AASD secretary, assigned by the Superintendent’s designee, to take minutes at the meeting and assist the Committee with its work as a nonvoting member.
    2. Consideration shall be provided in the selection process to ensure the same members are not appointed repeatedly. A rotating schedule within each category of Committee representation shall be put into place wherein only a portion of each Committee representation category changes each year.
    3. Only those members present may recommend action to be taken on the material being reconsidered. Committee members not present shall not vote on the final decision. The discussion of the group is an important element in the decision-making process. In the event of a tie, the Committee Chair or the Superintendent’s designee will cast a tie-breaking vote.
    4. Committee members directly associated with the complainant shall be excused from the Committee during the deliberation on such materials. The Superintendent or his/her designee will appoint a temporary replacement for the excused Committee member, but such replacement shall be of the same general qualifications of a member excused.
    5. Each year the Committees shall have their first organizational meeting by September 15th at a time and place designated by the chairperson and made known to the members of the Committees at least five (5) school days in advance. This meeting will be officially noticed as a meeting of the AASD Educational Materials Review Committees. Members will be asked to confirm their willingness to serve the second year of their term, if applicable.
      1. Prior to the first meeting, members will receive a copy of the Educational Materials Selection Policy.
      2. At the first meeting there will be a review of procedures, District selection policies, previous challenges, and specific procedures for handling challenged materials.
    6. Subsequent meetings will be called at the discretion of the chairperson or whenever a formal Request for Reconsideration of Educational Material form – AASD Educational Materials Review Committee is received.
    7. In the event of multiple challenges involving different materials, the Review Committee may appoint a subcommittee of members and/or nonmembers to consolidate challenges and make recommendations to the full Committee. The composition of such subcommittees shall approximate the representation of the AASD Educational Materials Review Committee.
    8. A request to review materials that have previously been before the Committee must receive approval of a majority of the Committee members before the materials shall be reconsidered. Requests with less than a two-year lapse will not be considered. Every completed Request for Reconsideration of Educational Material form – AASD Educational Materials Review Committee that is submitted to the District office shall receive a written response from the Superintendent or his/her designee.
  4. Review Process
    1. The complainant shall be kept informed by the chairperson concerning the status of the review throughout the Committee reconsideration process. The complainant and all known interested parties shall be officially noticed using District Open Meeting guidelines.
    2. At the first meeting following receipt of a Request for Reconsideration of Educational Material form:
      1. The Superintendent or his/her designee will prepare and distribute the following:
        • Copies of the written Request for Reconsideration of Educational Material form
        • Copies of the material in question for full review
        • Reputable, professionally prepared reviews of the material if available
        • Appropriate checklist form for fiction or nonfiction material • A timeline of events including copies of any communication from previous steps of the review process
      2. The Committee chairperson shall review the procedures and process with the Committee.
    3. At the second meeting, thorough discussion of the material will be conducted. Interested individuals, including the complainant, will have the opportunity to share their views. The chairperson may request individuals with special knowledge to be present to provide information to the Committee. The original complainant will be given up to ten (10) minutes to address the Committee, if desired. Other individuals who are residents of the District, parents of children enrolled in the District, or employees of the District and wish to speak at the meeting are required to sign up prior to the scheduled meeting. Each speaker, other than the original complainant, will be given three (3) minutes to speak. This meeting will last no longer than three (3) hours.
    4. At the second meeting, those voting Committee members who were present at both the first and second meetings shall vote to recommend one of the following actions:
      1. Take no removal action
      2. Limit the educational use of the material
      3. Remove all or part of the material from the total school environment If a majority of the voting Committee members does not approve an option on the first ballot, the lowest vote total option will be eliminated and another vote will be taken.
    5. The written recommendation of the Committee and its justification shall be forwarded to the Superintendent, to the complainant, and to the appropriate building principal(s) within five (5) school days of the meeting.
  5. Superintendent’s Procedure
    1. The Superintendent shall review the AASD Educational Materials Review Committee’s recommendation. The Superintendent may ratify, amend, or overrule the recommendation of the Review Committee. The Superintendent will provide copies of the Review Committee’s recommendation and his/her decision to the complainant within five (5) school days of receipt of the Committee’s report. 
    2. The Superintendent will provide the Board of Education and AASD Educational Materials Review Committee with copies of his/her decision.
    3. If the matter reaches the press, the Superintendent or his/her designee will make the response.
  6. Appeal Process
    If the original complainant is not satisfied with the Superintendent’s decision, a request may be filed with the Superintendent within ten (10) school days of the date of receipt of the Superintendent’s decision to have the matter placed on the agenda of the next scheduled Board of Education meeting. If the appeal request is submitted less than five (5) school days prior to the next regularly scheduled Board meeting, the Superintendent may move the matter to the next subsequent regularly scheduled meeting of the Board.

The Board of Education, meeting as a committee of the whole, shall constitute the final step in the appeal process.

  1. The Board shall review the documentation accompanying the Request Form as well as the AASD Educational Materials Review Committee minutes and other related Committee materials to determine whether or not procedural and nondiscriminatory guidelines outlined in this policy were followed.
  2. At its discretion, the Board may elect to conduct interviews with all parties pertinent to the material review process.
  3. A decision of the Board with regard to action taken is final.


Cross References:
Curriculum Development and Adoption, 330 and 330-Rule
Assessment Programs, 346
Assessment, Curriculum, and Instruction Handbook

Legal References:
Wisconsin State Statutes 118.03, 118.13, 119.18, 120.13, 120.49, and 121.02

Adoption Date: June 26, 1993

Amended Dates: January 13, 2003, October 24, 2011, and October 23, 2017




Appleton Area School District
Request for Reconsideration of Educational Material



To request the AASD Educational Materials Review Committee be convened to reconsider an educational material,
please complete this form and submit it to the Superintendent of Schools.



Name __________________________________________ Phone _______________________


City ________________________________ State ___________________ Zip_____________

Email Address_________________________________________________________________



___ Book

___ Audiovisual/Media



___Other: _________

Title: ______________________________________________________

Author/Producer: ____________________________________________

1. Did you read/view the material in its entirety?  Yes_____ No_____

2. Per the Educational Materials Selection Policy, the initial objection must be discussed with a teacher and principal of the applicable school before being brought to the AASD Educational Materials Review Committee. Did you discuss the use of this material in the instructional program with a teacher and the principal of the applicable school?  Yes_____ No_____

If so, to whom did you speak? _______________________________ When? _________

If so, any additional comments:




3. What do you object to in the educational material? Please be specific.




4. What is the educational benefit for students resulting from the use of this educational material?




5. In your opinion, what negative effects might result from the use of this educational material with students?




6. If you are a parent who requested an alternative educational material for your child, were you offered one by the teacher?  Yes_____ No_____

If so, did you take advantage of the alternative educational material for your child?  Yes_____ No_____

7. For which age group/grade level would you recommend this educational material be used?




8. What is your recommendation to the School District in regard to use of this educational material?




9. During the District review process, do you wish to give a short presentation to the Committee relative to your objection?  Yes_____ No_____


Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________________




Appleton Area School District
Check List for Reconsideration of Educational Material
Fiction and Other Literary Forms


Title ________________________________________________________

Author ________________________________________________________

A. Review

  1. Does the material appear in one or more reputable review journals?  Yes_____ No_____
  2. If yes, please summarize the reviews:


B. Relevance

  1. What is the purpose, theme, or message of the material?

  2. Is the purpose, theme, or message accomplished?  Yes_____ No_____
  3. Does the material offer an opportunity to better understand and appreciate the diversity, aspirations, achievements, and problems of human beings?   Yes_____ No_____
  4. Will the reading, viewing of, and/or listening to the material result in a better understanding of human beings?  Yes_____ No_____

C. Content

  1. If the material is fantasy, is it the type that has imaginative appeal and is suitable for children/young adults?  Yes_____ No_____
  2. If the material is about modern times, does it give a realistic picture of life as it is now?  Yes_____ No_____
  3. Do characters speak in a language true to the period and region of the country in which they live?  Yes_____ No_____
  4. Is the dialogue a true representation of the age and social group of the characters?  Yes_____ No_____
  5. Is the choice of language appropriate to the purpose of the text?  Yes_____ No_____
  6. Does the material avoid an oversimplified view of life?  Yes_____ No_____
  7. When factual information is part of the material, is it presented accurately?  Yes_____ No_____
  8. Does the material give a broader understanding of human behavior?  Yes_____ No_____
  9. Is there a gratuitous use of sex, violence, cruelty, brutality, vulgarity and/or aberrant behavior that would make this material inappropriate for children/young adults?  Yes_____ No_____
  10. Are the illustrations appropriate to the subject, time period, and/or age level?  Yes_____ No_____
  11. Is the material well written or produced?  Yes_____ No_____
  12. Does the material make a significant contribution to the history of literature or ideas?  Yes_____ No_____
  13. Are concepts presented in the material appropriate to the ability and maturity of the potential readers?  Yes_____ No_____
  14. For Board adopted educational materials and textbooks, does the material promote the educational goals and objective of the curriculum?  Yes_____ No_____
  15. For Board adopted educational materials and textbooks, is the material appropriate to the level of instruction intended?  Yes_____ No_____

Additional Comments:







Review Committee Signatures:

________________________________________  ____________________________________

________________________________________  ____________________________________

________________________________________  ____________________________________

________________________________________  ____________________________________

________________________________________  ____________________________________

________________________________________  ____________________________________

________________________________________  ____________________________________

________________________________________  ____________________________________


Date: ______________________




Appleton Area School District
Check List for Reconsideration of Educational Material


Title ________________________________________________________

Author ________________________________________________________

A. Review

  1. Does the material appear in one or more reputable review journals?  Yes_____ No_____
  2. If yes, please summarize the reviews:



B. Relevance

  1. What is the overall purpose of the material?

  2. Is the purpose accomplished?  Yes_____ No_____

C. Content

  1. Is the author considered competent and qualified in the field?  Yes_____ No_____
  2. What is the reputation and significance of the author and publisher/producer in the field?

  3. Is the material current and up-to-date?  Yes_____ No_____
  4. Are information sources documented?  Yes_____ No_____
  5. Are translations and retellings faithful to the original?  Yes_____ No_____
  6. Are the illustrations appropriate to the subject, time period, and/or age level?  Yes_____ No_____
  7. Is the content of this material well presented by providing adequate scope, range, depth and continuity?  Yes_____ No_____
  8. Does this material give a new dimension or direction to its subject?  Yes_____ No_____
  9. Does this material present information not otherwise available?  Yes_____ No_____
  10. For Board adopted educational materials and textbooks, does the material promote the educational goals and objective of the curriculum?  Yes_____ No_____
  11. For Board adopted educational materials and textbooks, is the material appropriate to the level of instruction intended?  Yes_____ No_____

Additional Comments:







Review Committee Signatures:

_________________________________________  ____________________________________

_________________________________________  ____________________________________

_________________________________________  ____________________________________

_________________________________________  ____________________________________

_________________________________________  ____________________________________

_________________________________________  ____________________________________

_________________________________________  ____________________________________

_________________________________________  ____________________________________


Date: ____________________

  • Series 300: Instruction
First page of the PDF file: 361-1

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