The Board of Education supports theatre productions as an important aspect of education in the arts. Productions should provide a diversity of appeal and present a variety of points of view. Planning should represent a maximum of student talent, a high level of student participation, and make the best utilization of existing facilities.
Administrators, teachers, students, community persons, and parents may be involved in the selection of musical or drama productions. It is the responsibility of the director to review the selection with the building principal and Coordinator of Fine Arts prior to a final decision and the subsequent approval to purchase the rights to the production. The principal may reject a play selection that is not appropriate for the students of the Appleton Area School District.
Cross Reference:
Guidelines for Play Selection, 372.2-Rule
Adoption Date: September 14, 1987
Amended Date: March 13, 2006
Five general principles will be used in the selection of musical or drama productions:
- Productions will be chosen that meet the needs of the faculty and student body.
- Productions are to be chosen that will enrich and support the curriculum, taking into consideration the varied interests, abilities, and maturity levels of the students served.
- Productions shall be provided from time to time that present various points of view on the issues of our times so that students are free to do critical thinking on their own.
- Productions may be provided that represent the many religious, ethnic and cultural groups and their contributions to our American heritage.
- Sound educational judgment will be placed above personal opinion, prejudices and special interests in order to assure a selection appropriate for the students of the AASD.
Adoption Date: September 14, 1987
Amended Date: March 13, 2006
- Series 300: Instruction