Whenever a student alleges that he/she is aggrieved by reason of the application to him/her of any administrative rule, regulation or order, or of an order of any teacher, principal, or other administrative person in the school system, or whenever any student feels there are deficiencies in existence in the school system, such as, but not limited to, curricular content, educational facilities, teaching methods and the like, which require remedial action, the student or a parent on the student’s behalf shall contact the building principal for direction in proceeding with a grievance or stating a complaint. If further information is necessary, the student should contact the Assistant Superintendent.
Cross References:
Educational Materials Selection, 361
Equal Educational Opportunities, 411
Adoption Date: April 11, 1988
The following procedure will serve as a guideline for handling student grievances:
Step 1:
If the complaint involved the action of a teacher, there shall be sincere attempt to work this out directly between the pupil and the teacher. The public school staff member involved shall make a special effort to be sure the pupil has had adequate opportunity to discuss the situation with him/her.
Step 2:
If the matter cannot be resolved at Step 1, the pupil shall reduce to writing the details of the situation. At the elementary level, the written record shall be submitted to the principal. At the secondary level, the written record shall be submitted to the principal. This written record shall be submitted to the associate principal for student services who may handle the matter or refer to the associate principal for curriculum and instruction. The associate principal who handles the grievance shall respond no later than ten days after receiving the written record. If no resolution can be achieved on Step 2, the student may proceed to Step 3. A written report of resolutions or recommendations will be sent to those involved and a copy filed in the pupil’s cumulative folder by the administrator handling the complaint, if the student wishes.
Step 3:
The pupil shall present the written report of the complaint to the building principal. The principal will review the written report from the pupil, the written record completed by the assistant principal, and any other parties who are directly involved, and then will arrange a meeting of the pupil, his/her parents, and school personnel, to attempt to resolve the problem. Such a meeting will take place as soon as possible, within five school days following receipt of the written reports. Following this step, a written report by the principal shall be submitted to those involved, with a copy to the Superintendent within five school days after the meeting.
Step 4:
In the event that the aggrieved pupil is not satisfied after Step 3, he/she shall then make a written request to the principal for forwarding to the Superintendent for further consideration of the grievance. The Superintendent will arrange for a meeting with himself/herself or his/her representative, the pupil, his/her parents, and the staff members who may be involved as soon as it is possible and within five school days after receiving the written request.
Step 5:
The final appeal under this procedure, if the pupil is yet not satisfied, is to the Board of Education. The complaint or grievance shall be submitted in writing to the District office at the Administrative Center. The Board may arrange to hear the complaint, consider the written reports, and render its decision in writing within four weeks of the receipt of the written request for Board review. If the Board decides to hear the matter, the date for the hearing shall be within 30 days of the receipt of the written request. The pupil may request either a closed or an open hearing. The decision of the Board of Education is final and the matter will be closed.
The Student Grievance Procedure shall annually be given to student via the student handbooks in the secondary schools, and shall be available to the parents of elementary aged students in the school offices.
Adoption Date: April 11, 1988
- Series 400: Students