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443.1 - Student Dress Policy



Appleton Area School District students are prohibited from wearing clothing or possessing accessories which, in the opinion of school authorities, is contrary to acceptable health and safety standards or may disrupt the educational process or learning atmosphere. Student dress attire must conform to the following minimum standards:

  • Headgear may not be worn in the school building.
  • Jackets, coats, and gloves must be removed at the student’s locker or coat storage area. Any such items may not be worn around the building during school hours.
  • Students must wear shoes/appropriate footwear. Metal cleats may not be worn.
  • Students may not wear scanty/revealing clothing.
  • No garments which advertise or promote alcohol, tobacco products, or other drugs may be worn.
  • No attire with messages or symbols that include profanity, violent or sexual language/actions are allowed.
  • Any attire or accessory which by its design, use or intended use, could cause bodily harm, property damage, or intimidation to other persons, may not be worn (e.g., chains, leather straps, pet collars, spikes, etc.).
  • No attire with a gang related purpose is allowed.

Body markings or tattoos that do not meet the above standards must be fully covered.

This policy is in force during the school day, in school vehicles, and at all school activities. The wearing of outer garments and headwear will be permitted in school vehicles and at school activities when appropriate.

Authority of Principals and Consequences for Violations

If there is disagreement between students and/or parents and the staff regarding the appropriateness of clothing and body markings, the principal or his/her designee will review the situation and make a decision. Violations of any of the above standards will be subject to disciplinary actions specified in school handbooks.


Adoption Date: April 22, 1996

Amended Date: June 28, 1999

  • Series 400: Students
First page of the PDF file: 443-1

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