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443.7 - Violence and Intimidation



No one shall threaten - verbally, nonverbally, or physically - the safety of another person through the use of intimidation or violence. Such conduct is prohibited on school property, in a school facility, in a school vehicle, at any school-sponsored function or while traveling to and from school.

Intimidation is defined as behavior or repeated acts which cause fear or physical or psychological discomfort, including, but not limited to: physical conduct, verbal or non-verbal threats or gestures.

Violence is defined as aggressive behavior which subjects a person to unwanted physical contact, including, but not limited to: striking, shoving or kicking.

Possible consequences for violation of this policy include:

  • Application of approved school disciplinary practices and procedures
  • Notification of law enforcement officials
  • Notification of parents, guardians, or legal custodians
  • Notification of Superintendent or his/her designee
  • Suspension from school
  • Recommendation for expulsion


Adoption Date: June 27, 1994

  • Series 400: Students
First page of the PDF file: 443-7

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