The Appleton Area School District is committed to providing a safe, secure, and healthy environment that allows all students to maximize their learning potential. The Board of Education considers bullying to be detrimental to the health and safety of students and disruptive to the educational process and is prohibited.
Bullying is deliberate or intentional behavior using words or actions, intended to cause fear, intimidation or harm. Bullying includes aggressive and hostile behavior that is intentional and involves an imbalance of power between the bully and the bullied and is behavior that is repeated over time rather than an isolated incident. This behavior may include but is not limited to physical and verbal assaults, nonverbal or emotional threats or intimidation, harassment, social exclusion and isolation, extortion, use of computer or telecommunications to send messages that are embarrassing, slanderous, threatening or intimidating (cyber-bullying). Bullying may also include teasing, put-downs, name calling, rumors, false accusations, and hazing. Bullying based on sex, race, color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, cognitive, emotional or learning disability in its education programs or activities is also prohibited by law and Board policy. In addition, the District prohibits bullying or discrimination on the basis of gender identity and gender expression.
Bullying behavior is prohibited in all schools, buildings, properties, educational environments as well as on any school grounds or school buses. This includes any property or vehicle owned, leased, contracted, or used by the AASD such as public transportation regularly used by students to go to and from school and to school-sponsored events.
Students who engage in any form of bullying behavior at school or at a school-sponsored activity, will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Board policy. This action may include off campus behavior that causes substantial disruption to the educational environment. Consequences and sanctions for such actions, including retaliating against someone for reporting bullying behavior, may include but are not limited to, parent notification, suspension, expulsion, or referral to law enforcement officials for possible legal action. Student services staff will support the identified victim. The Positive Behavior Interventions and Strategies framework will be utilized to assist and support all students.
Education, intervention, awareness, and prevention shall exist for staff and students to ensure a learning environment free of bullying or intimidation toward and between students and staff.
Disclosure and Public Reporting
Appleton Area School District schools will distribute this policy annually to all students enrolled in the District, their parents, and/or guardians and employees. The District will provide a copy of the policy to anyone who requests it.
Reports of bullying may be made verbally or in writing and may be made confidentially. All such reports, whether verbal or in writing, will be taken seriously and a clear account of the incident is to be documented. The Bullying Behavior Report Form will be used for written reporting. Reports of bullying will be investigated promptly. The individuals involved will be informed of the process and outcome.
The District will also keep data on the number and types of reports made under this policy. The results of each investigation will verify the details made in the complaint. In addition, an annual record of all sanctions will be kept. No individuals will be named in the annual report and the data will be used to develop prevention programs and strategies relative to the policy.
Cross References:
Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap/Disability, 112.1
Programs for Disabled Students, 342.1
Use of District Telecommunication Systems, 363.2 (522.7)
Student Nondiscrimination Complaint Procedure, 411.2-Rule
Sexual Harassment, 411.1
Violence & Intimidation, 443.7 Safe Schools: Policy & Prevention Strategies, 443.9
Legal References:
Wisconsin State Statutes 111.31, 118.13, 118.164, 118.195, 118.20, 118.46, 120.12(26), 120.13(1)
Wisconsin State Statutes, Subchapter V, § 115
PI 9, Wisconsin Administrative Code
Title II (implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act), 28 CFR part 35
Title IX, Education Amendment of 1972
Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964
Title VII of 1964 Civil Rights Act Section 703
Section 504, Rehabilitation, Act of 1973
Americans with Disabilities, Act of 1990
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Civil Rights Act of 1991
Adoption Date: April 14, 2008
Amended Date: January 24, 2011 and June 23, 2014
All school staff members and school officials who observe or become aware of acts of bullying are required to report these acts to the building administrator/designee. Any other person, including a student who is either a victim of the bullying or is aware of the bullying or any other concerned individual, is encouraged to report the conduct to the building administrator/designee.
Reports of bullying may be made verbally or in writing and may be made confidentially. All such reports, whether verbal or in writing, will be taken seriously and a clear account of the incident is to be documented. The Bullying Behavior Report Form will be used for written reporting.
Reporting Procedures
If bullying occurs, students are encouraged to take the following steps:
- Clearly say “stop” to the person whose behavior is unwanted and report to a trusted adult.
- Speak with a trusted adult at school, such as a teacher or counselor, social worker, psychologist, nurse, or administrator.
- When reporting to an adult, include the following information:
- Give the name of the person and specific unwanted behavior
- Describe the nature of the bullying
- Give the date(s) of the event
- Tell briefly what happened and note all incidents of bullying that may have taken place
- A building administrator/designee may make an appropriate person(s) aware of the situation to discuss the case and determine the follow-up. All efforts will be made to handle the situation in a discreet manner and maintain appropriate confidentiality. The building administrator/designee will also inform students of the prohibition against retaliating against another student for reporting an incident of bullying.
- Any employee who witnesses bullying between students must intervene by giving a verbal warning. In some cases it may be necessary to provide a report of bullying incidents to a building administrator/designee.
- There shall be no retaliation against individuals making such reports. Individuals engaging in retaliatory behavior will be subject to disciplinary action.
Procedure for Investigating Reports of Bullying
The building administrator/designee will begin the investigation of a report of bullying within one school day. This investigation will include an interview of the person(s) involved and a collection of the information that will determine the facts and seriousness of the report. Parents and/or guardians of all people involved in the bullying incident will be notified prior to the conclusion of the investigation. The District shall maintain confidentiality of the report and related student records to the extent required by law. The Bullying Investigation Form will be used.
Adoption Date: April 14, 2008
Amended Date: January 24, 2011, June 23, 2014
- Series 400: Students