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453.3 - Communicable Diseases



The Appleton Area School District adheres to health policies and disease control procedures for the purpose of protecting the health and safety of all students and employees. These procedures will be maintained in cooperation with city, county, and state health departments and in accordance with Wisconsin State Statutes. When a reportable communicable disease is known or suspected within the school environment, the District will contact the appropriate health department.

The goal of this policy is to minimize disruptions to teaching and learning caused by illness and disease. If students with communicable diseases are excluded from school for a significant period of time, they may be provided alternative educational services.

Student Nondiscrimination
The Appleton Area School District does not discriminate against students on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental emotional or learning disability or handicap in its education programs or activities. Discrimination complaints shall be processed in accordance with established procedures.


Adoption Date: September 14, 1987

Amended Date: November 8, 1999 and August 27, 2012







The school nurse, building principal, or his/her designee will notify the appropriate health department within the appropriate timelines when it is known or suspected that a student or employee may have a communicable disease as identified by the Department of Health and Family Services.


The school nurse serves as a resource for current information regarding communicable diseases. The AASD will provide yearly information to employees relative to universal precautions and blood borne pathogens. Guidelines and protocols for blood and body fluid exposure are located on the AASD website in the Exposure Control Plan (see: Departments/ Facilities and Operations/Safety Programs/training).


Supplies and equipment appropriate to reducing the risk of transmission of communicable diseases are provided at each school.


The District administrator or designee, principal and school nurse function as the District’s liaison with students, employees, parents, physicians, public health officials, and the communityat-large concerning communicable disease issues in the school.


Students or employees suspected of having a communicable disease may be sent home by the building principal or his/her designee or school nurse until diagnosis and/or adequate treatment has occurred. Students or employees may also be excluded for other health conditions that may impair an individual’s ability to perform or may affect the health or well being of the student or other individuals.


Only information needed for the purpose of investigation, control or prevention of reportable communicable diseases shall be reported to appropriate health agencies. Information and subsequent reporting regarding Hepatitis and HIV will be the responsibility of the physician completing such an evaluation. Any part of a student health care record or employee (personnel) record that concerns the results of a test for the presence of HIV or antibody to HIV (the virus which causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome – AIDS) shall be confidential and may be disclosed only with the informed written consent of the test subject.

All information shall be kept in strict confidence in accordance with State and Federal laws and regulations.


Legal References:
Wisconsin State Statutes
118.125(2m)(b) Confidentiality of Pupil Physical Health Records
118.13 Pupil Discrimination Prohibited
252.01 Definitions - Communicable Diseases
252.05 Reports of Cases
252.15 Restrictions on Use of a Test for HIV
252.19 Communicable Diseases; Suspected Cases; Protection of Public
252.21 Communicable Diseases; Schools; Duties of Teachers; Parents; Officers
Wisconsin Administrative Code HFS 145 Control of Communicable Diseases (see attached)

Cross References:
Student Records, 347
Head Lice/Nits In the School (Pediculosis), 453.31
Student Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan, 453.33
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/HIV Virus, 453.34
Employee Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan, 526

Adoption Date: September 14, 1987

Amended Date: November 8, 1999 and August 27, 2012



Appendix A


In order to promote a healthy environment at school for your children, we ask that you be particularly alert to the beginning signs of illness in your child. Keeping your child home during an illness until recovered will help prevent spread of illness to others in the school. The following symptoms may indicate the presence of communicable disease:

  • Thick mucus from the nose
  • Persistent, productive cough
  • Elevated temperature associated with other symptoms
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Skin infection
  • Discharge from eyes or ears
  • Red eyes
  • Excessive drowsiness
  • Sore throat
  • Earache
  • Persistent abdominal discomfort
  • Any rash that is not normal for your child

If your child has any of these symptoms at school, you may be contacted, and if so will be expected to make arrangements to pick your child up from school as soon as possible.

If your child is absent from school, please call the school to notify staff if it is due to illness or other reasons. If your child’s absence is prolonged due to illness, we ask that a doctor’s note explaining the illness and authorizing the return to school accompany your child upon return to school.

We must have consent forms signed by parent/guardian and doctor if medication is required during school hours. Please call the school office to obtain these forms and further information on the school medication policy.

It is also very important to have current emergency information for children at school. We must have a working number to contact you and also a number for a responsible relative or friend in case you are not available. Remember to notify us if there are any changes in the phone numbers.

To assist us in providing the best possible care for your child at school, please keep us informed of any changes in your child’s health status, including medication changes, allergies, etc. We would be happy to discuss any concerns you may have about your child’s health. Please feel free to contact us at school.

  • Series 400: Students
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