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453.31 - Head Lice/Nits in the School (Pediculosis)



Head lice are commonly referred to as a nuisance condition because they rarely cause any serious medical concern.

Specific guidelines have been developed for the treatment of head lice and/or nits in the Appleton Area School District. These guidelines include parent/guardian notification, treatment instructions, and parent/guardian responsibilities. The parent/guardian of any student found to have nits or live lice will be notified. Parents/guardians may choose to pick up the student at time of discovery or at the end of the school day.


Legal References:
Wisconsin State Statute 121.02(1)(i)
Wisconsin Administrative Code HSS 145.06(1)
American Academy of Pediatrics Clinical Report May 2015
Center for Disease Control “Head Lice” September 2013
National Association of School Nurses Position Statement, Jan. 2016

Adoption Date: January 25, 1999

Amended Dates: March 14, 2011, May 21, 2018





Procedures for Control and Treatment

  1. Any student who is suspected of having live head lice shall be removed from the classroom as unobtrusively as possible to be screened. Live head lice screenings may be made periodically on any child as necessary during the school year. These screenings will occur by the school nurse or designee approved by the school principal.
  2. If live lice are apparent:
    1. The parent/guardian of any student found to have nits or live lice will be notified. The student may remain in school until dismissal; however, the parent/guardian may choose to pick up student at time of discovery or at the end of the school day.
    2. A written explanation of lice treatment may be given to the parent/guardian. As part of the treatment process and before re-admittance, parents/guardians will be instructed to remove all lice and nits. The school nurse or building designee may furnish treatment supplies for those families demonstrating financial need.
  3. Re-admittance to school:
    1. The student may be checked by the school nurse or designee upon return to school. The presence of live lice will again result in parent/guardian notification, and further treatment options will be discussed.
    2. The above procedures will be repeated until lice and nits are removed.
    3. Absences for the purpose of lice treatment will be considered excused absences; however, excessive absences due to lice infestation may result in referrals to other agencies.
  4. Confidentiality:
    1. Only information needed for the purpose of assuring notification of the appropriate parties involved and for prevention of further exposures should be noted. All information shall be kept in confidence in accordance with State and Federal laws and regulations.
    2. Parents/guardians of other students at the school may be notified of the presence of lice when such a notice is considered appropriate by the principal, designee, or school nurse.


Adoption Date: January 25, 1999

Amended Dates: March 14, 2011, May 21, 2018

  • Series 400: Students
First page of the PDF file: 453-31

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