The Appleton Area School District will seek means to help students who are considered at risk for suicide, and provide support for staff and peers affected by student suicide. A youth suicide prevention program shall be used by District staff.
District staff are in positions to recognize students who are at risk for suicide; under no circumstances should this be kept confidential. State Statute provides immunity from civil liability for staff members who work to prevent suicide.
The District believes that suicide prevention is a responsibility shared by the various segments of the community including family, community agencies, related medical services, and the schools.
Cross Reference:
Prevention of Youth Suicide, 457-Rule
Legal References:
Wisconsin State Statutes 118.01(2)(d)7 and 118.295
Adoption Date: March 28, 1988
Amended Date: February 24, 2014
Knowledge on the part of a school staff member of a young person’s intent to engage in a suicidal act requires the staff member to intervene and refer.
School personnel shall communicate with, and periodically meet with community agencies on the topic of suicide prevention.
District staff will receive staff development and relevant materials regarding the recognition of students considered at risk for suicide, awareness of the resources available, and knowledge of the prevention and referral procedures.
Procedures: Suicide Risks
- Referral to student services staff or building administration should occur immediately when a staff member is aware of a student who is considered to be at risk for suicide. It is important to emphasize that suicidal threats, gestures, or reports be treated seriously.
- Student services and other staff may be asked to consult or to assist in the suicide screening of the student.
- Student services staff or building administrator will contact the parent/guardian and determine an appropriate plan of action.
- A student who is considered at risk for suicide will be referred to appropriate resources.
Procedures: Emergency-Suicidal Acts or Gestures
- Keep the student with a responsible adult at all times. Do not leave the student alone.
- Inform the building administrator and/or student services staff of the concern.
- Contact the parent/guardian and then dial 911 or crisis intervention as appropriate, when suicide is being actively threatened.
- Building administrator, student services staff or designee will secure medical assistance when a suicide attempt has occurred.
Adoption Date: March 28, 1988
Amended Date: February 24, 2014
- Series 400: Students