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522.5 - Staff Involvement in Political Activities



The Appleton Area School District (AASD) Board of Education recognizes that staff members have civic responsibilities and/or rights, including the right to vote, to be an active member of the political party of their choice, to campaign for candidates for election to public office, and to seek, campaign for, and serve in public office.

In fulfilling their responsibilities as members of the AASD staff, they shall refrain from exploiting their privilege of position. They shall not exploit students in any way for political purposes for themselves or for any party, candidate, or special interest group.

Political activities of staff members must be conducted outside of school hours and off school premises. They shall not use District facilities, equipment, or supplies in connection with their political activities.


Adoption Date: June 13, 2011





Staff members must observe the following “Political Activity Guidelines” when exercising their civic rights and responsibilities:

I. Activities Permitted

  1. Making voluntary contributions for political purposes.
  2. Expressing opinions regarding political candidates as an individual/union privately and/or publicly except as limited in II.
  3. Parking a motor vehicle bearing a partisan political sticker or sign on school property and/or wearing a partisan political button on school property and/or wearing partisan political clothing on school property provided that no disparaging message is presented and no disruption to the educational environment occurs.
  4. Being a member of a political party and participating in party affairs.
  5. Soliciting votes in support of/in opposition to a partisan candidate for public office or political party except as limited in II.
  6. Endorsing or opposing a partisan candidate for public office or political party except as limited in II.
  7. The posting of political propaganda in classrooms if deemed to be part of the curriculum and the propaganda is not disparaging or disruptive.

II. Activities Not Permitted

  1. Engaging in political activities with students while on school property or during work hours.
  2. Engaging in political activity outside of work hours to such an extent that efficiency during work hours is impaired or results in unauthorized absences.
  3. Directly or indirectly soliciting from students, votes or anything of value in support of/in opposition to a partisan candidate for public office or political party while on school property or during work hours.
  4. Engaging students while on school property or during work hours, or while the employee is engaged in his/her official duties, in any form of political activity calculated to favor or improve the chances of any political party or partisan candidate.
  5. Using District facilities (during school hours), materials, supplies, or equipment (including vehicles) in connection with partisan political activity.
  6. Use of District’s internal mail system or email system (including ‘stuffing’ staff mailboxes) for political material is prohibited, although political material sent through the U.S. mail to personnel at their District address will be delivered.

III. Political Discussions During Instructional Time

Where discussions with students about candidates for any political office occur as a part of the instructional program, teachers must present a balanced review of the candidates’ major political platforms so as to afford students the opportunity to do their own thinking and decision making. Refer to Policy 382 and 382-Rule, Political Candidates Speaking to Students, for further information on this subject.

IV. School Premises

School premises may be used by staff for political activities only if the activity is conducted outside of school hours, is scheduled through the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee, and does not interfere or conflict with normal school activities.

V. Employees Seeking an Elective Public Office

Any employee who intends to seek an elective public office shall notify the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee, in writing, as soon as possible. The employee shall notify the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee of the office he/ she intends to seek, whether he/she wishes to continue his/her employment with the District, and if applicable, his/her proposed conditions of continued employment. The Board of Education determines the terms and conditions under which the employee may continue his/her employment as he/she seeks or holds an elective office.


Cross Reference:
Political Candidates Speaking to Students, 382 and 382-Rule
Community Use of School Facilities, 830 and 830-Rule

Adoption Date: June 13, 2011

  • Series 500: Personnel
First page of the PDF file: 522-5

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