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532.1 - Leaves of Absence



The Board of Education will consider written requests for leaves of absence by employees of the District in light of what will serve the best interest of students, what is best for the District as a legal entity, negotiated agreements with the various bargaining units, and the needs of each employee who requests a leave.

Leave requests will be considered in three groupings: educational, medical, and other.

The policy and its Administrative Interpretation will be followed in conjunction with the terms of master agreements which exist between the District and various employee representative organizations, and applicable statutes.


Cross References:
Leaves of Absence, 532.1-Rule Employee Agreements

Legal References:
Wisconsin State Statute 103.10 Wisconsin Administrative Code PL 103-3

Adoption Date: April 11, 1988






General Consideration for Leaves

  1. Leaves for education or personal reasons will generally be considered for approval only for those employees who have been in the employ of the Board for one (1) or more consecutive years. Exceptions will be considered only in rare and unusual situations where the Superintendent feels it is in the best interest of all parties to grant the leave.
  2. For a request to be considered by the Board, the request must be in writing accompanied by a recommendation from the employee’s immediate supervisor and the Assistant Superintendent Business and Human Resources. Leaves will be recommended for approval by the administration where there is a compelling reason for the leave and where there would be a minimal negative impact on the educational program.
  3. Unless otherwise specifically provided in a negotiated master agreement, leaves must be requested of the Board of Education for any absence not covered by specific terms of a negotiated master agreement which would extend more than thirty (30) calendar days beyond a paid absence. Requested non-paid absences of less than thirty (30) calendar days may be approved by the administration though a written request to the Assistant Superintendent Business and Human Resources.
  4. Leaves shall be without pay or other compensation except as expressly provided for in negotiated master agreements.
  5. Employees are expected to return to the District for a minimum of one (1) year following the leave.
  6. The returning employee will be given the same or a similar position to the one held immediately prior to beginning the leave, subject to the position being available and the employee being eligible under Board policies, master agreements, and regulations of applicable statutes or regulatory bodies.
  7. An individual returning from personal leave or a medically-connected leave will be placed on the salary schedule at the level he/she would have held at the beginning of the leave. Employees returning from an educational leave may be granted up to one (1) year’s experience on the applicable salary schedule upon the recommendation of the Assistant Superintendent Business and Human Resources.
  8. In making a recommendation to the Board of Education, factors including the following will be considered by the Assistant Superintendent Business and Human Resources and the immediate administrative supervisor:
    1. The impact on the students of the class(es) involved, i.e., conference periods, grading periods, variations in curriculum, and course calendar, etc.; 
    2. Justification of the necessity for a leave as opposed to some other option;
    3. The value of the reason for absence to the School District, i.e., training in an area of licensed shortage, research having a direct effect on the District’s curriculum, etc. Special circumstances may warrant a longer leave and such requests shall be brought to the Board of Education for approval.
  9. Leaves may be granted for a maximum of four (4) school quarters for instructional/certified personnel, and for a maximum of one (1) calendar year for other personnel, except where provisions for a longer leave are specified in negotiated master agreements.
  10. Leaves will not be recommended for approval if they are viewed as being inimical to the best interest of the District.

Educational Leaves of Absence

  1. Leaves of absence for educational purposes may be approved for up to a maximum of four (4) school quarters.
  2. The individual requesting the leave must be enrolled in or approved by the institution at which the coursework will be taken. In cases of educational research, approval will be considered on the basis of the proposed research as outlined in a comprehensive written form. 
  3. A written request must be sent to the Board prior to June 1 for the forthcoming academic year.
  4. Return from educational leaves shall be only at the start of a school quarter. In the case of the District calendar and the calendar of the institution of higher learning not coinciding, the date of return shall be requested along with the initial request for leave.

Medically Connected Leaves of Absence

  1. Medically connected leaves may be approved for a maximum of two (2) school semesters for teacher personnel and one (1) employment year for non-teaching personnel. If sick leave is used prior to the medical leave of absence, the total time away from the job may not exceed the limits herein noted.
  2. A statement from a physician must accompany requests for medically-connected leaves of absence stating the nature of the illness or disability, and a prognosis concerning the physical or mental ability of the employee to return to work. The approved leave will coincide with the doctor’s certification of medical incapacity. Personnel will be permitted to work only after they have been certified by a physician as being fully capable of performing the duties required of their position. 
  3. Medical leaves will be considered on an individual basis. Leaves for pregnancy shall be considered as any other medically-connected leave and subject to the same requirements and policies.


Personal leaves may be approved by the Board for such reasons as the extended illness of an immediate member of the family requiring the presence of an employee, the temporary transfer of a spouse, adoption, child rearing, etc. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, personal leaves should be requested a minimum of sixty (60) days in advance of the date the leave is requested to be effective. Requested leaves for adoption shall be considered in conjunction with any requirements of an adoption agency or court of competent jurisdiction.


Adoption Date: October 9, 1989

  • Series 500: Personnel
First page of the PDF file: 532-1

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