The Board of Education of the Appleton Area School District expects that all employees will maintain and develop professional competence. The District will therefore encourage, facilitate, and provide opportunities for professional development.
The parameters of staff development activities shall encompass the broad areas of job orientation, performance improvement, career development, and personal health with direction toward the following purposes:
- To maintain and improve the instructional program at all levels.
- To maintain and improve the systems which support the operation of the schools.
- To facilitate the accomplishment of individual, department, school, and District goals.
- To enhance the personal and professional self-esteem of staff members in the District.
In accordance with State law and regulations, the Appleton Area School District shall annually establish and approve a professional staff development plan designed to meet the needs of individuals or curriculum areas in each school. The plan will be developed cooperatively by teachers, support staff, and administrators.
Legal References:
Wisconsin State Statute 121.02(1)(b)
Wisconsin Administrative Code PI 8.01(2)(b)
Adoption Date: September 25, 1989
- Series 500: Personnel