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651 - Collection of Revenues Due to the District



  1. A call from the school or a District office (such as Transportation or Use of Buildings), results of the call being recorded in a log.
  2. If the call is unsuccessful, a letter from the school, signed by the principal, should be sent. (The District will issue a format for the letter to be used on school letterhead.)
  3. If there is insufficient response or resolution after 30 days, a second letter from the school, signed by the principal, or a second invoice should be sent.

If after an additional 30 days, there is no resolution, the school should send the pertinent information (name, address, circumstances, including a contact history) to the District Business Office for further action. In addition, if the circumstance is a District invoice, the following procedure should be used:

  1. A letter (or another invoice accompanied by a letter) from the District Business Office should be sent on District letterhead.

If the amount in question is over $100 and there is still no resolution:

  1. The District should send a certified letter, with return-receipt requested.

If there is still no resolution:

  1. A collection agency should be contacted or small claims court should be considered.

If the effort is unsuccessful after 3 months or at the end of the fiscal year or at the discretion of the Business Office, the debt should be written off as uncollectible.

Note: For invoices, the District will begin to include a phrase on invoices that indicates that a 1% monthly interest charge will be added to existing balances if they are not paid within 60 days.


Adoption Date: January 26, 2004

  • Series 600: Fiscal Management
First page of the PDF file: 651

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