Occasional Use of Automobile:
The District will reimburse employees for travel on work related assignments at a rate set by the Board on an annual basis.
Regular Travel Allowance:
Employees who have regular assignments in more than one school building during the ordinary school day, and those employees who must regularly use their personal automobile for business purposes, will be paid a monthly travel allowance determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee. The regular travel allowance will be paid on the first payday of each month following the travel period.
Employees will be paid this automobile allowance with the assumption that their necessary travel will substantiate such an amount, and that for occasional short trips outside the city, no separate travel expense will be submitted.
All employees receiving the regular monthly travel allowance must have personal automobile property damage and bodily injury liability insurance in amounts as determined annually by the Assistant Superintendent/Business and Personnel. Proof of the personal automobile insurance must be filed with the Business Services Department prior to receipt of the travel allowance.
Adoption Date: September 14, 1987
- Series 600: Fiscal Management