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730 - Building and Grounds Management



School District properties will be maintained in good physical condition: safe, clean, sanitary, and as comfortable and convenient as the facilities will permit, or the use requires.

The Superintendent or his/her designee will have the general responsibility for the care, custody, and safekeeping of all school property, establishing such procedures and employing such means as may be necessary to discharge the responsibility.

At the building level, the principal will be responsible for overseeing the school building site and for the proper care of the school property by the staff and students.


Legal References:
Wisconsin State Statutes 120.12 (5), 120.44, 121.02 (1)(i)
Wisconsin Administrative Code PI 8.01 (2)(i)

Adoption Date: February 8, 1988

  • Series 700: Support Services
First page of the PDF file: 730

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