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881 - Relationship with Community and Community Organizations (Student Fundraising)



The Appleton Area School District Board of Education recognizes that student fundraising activities are part of student organizations and co-curricular activities.

Fundraising activities must be planned and conducted in such a manner that they are in compliance with all applicable laws and statutes. Further, fundraising must comply with the rules and regulations of the Board of Education.

Fundraising on the part of students must be congruent with District or building goals, promoting educational and co-curricular activities, and may not interfere with the educational process nor create significant inequities among schools. Only approved student classes, clubs or organizations, operating under the guidance of an advisor and holding regular meetings, may conduct fundraising activities.

The number of fundraisers at all grade levels should be minimal. All fundraising activities must have the prior permission of the building principal or the Superintendent or his/her designee, depending on the scope of the activity. To prevent excessive fundraising, which can place a financial burden on students, families, and community members, the principal will coordinate requests to prevent conflicts. The purpose of the fundraising activity must be explicit, stating how the monies will be used.

Participation in any fundraising must be voluntary. “Door-to-door” solicitation by elementary age students shall not be permitted. According to State Statute, no child under the age of 12 may participate in any fundraising unless he/she has written permission of the parent/guardian.

Parent school-related groups must abide by this policy. No solicitation of pupils for funds or involvement in fundraising projects for charitable, philanthropic, or benevolent organization or purposes shall be permitted, without the written permission of the building principal or his/her designee; this does not apply to projects of Parent/Teacher Associations or the Appleton Education Foundation.

All funds collected shall be recorded, deposited, and expended in accordance with procedures established by the Business Services office.


Cross References:
Gifts and Bequests to Schools, 840 and 840-Rule
Relationship with Community and Community Organizations (Student Fundraising), 881-Rule

Legal References:
Wisconsin State Statutes Sections 103.23, 103.64, 118.12(2)(a) Appleton City Ordinance 11.16

Adoption Date: November 23, 1987 

Amended Dates: February 9, 1998, March 13, 2006 and June 27, 2016







Schools and Students

  1. An elementary school or a middle school shall have no more than one major fundraising project per year. Generally, a high school activity group shall have only one major fundraising project per year.

Definition of major fundraising project:
A majorfundraising project goes beyond the school’s staff, students, and visitors. This does not apply to activities such as selling apparel at school events or a bake sale at a schoolsponsored event.

  1. Involvement in fundraising programs is voluntary. Individual student and family rights shall be protected, specifically those of equal opportunity, voluntary participation, and emphasis on the general goal, rather than on student competition.
  2. The building principal will approve a sale which is to be conducted in the school or among the families of students who attend the school. Application for a fundraiser must be submitted to the building principal at least two (2) weeks prior to the start of fund-raising activities, which could include ordering the items to be sold. If the fundraiser involves the sale of food or beverages, the fundraiser must also be approved by the Auxiliary Services Specialist two (2) weeks prior to the start of the sale.
  3. All fundraising proposals must include a request for fundraising dates, the reason funds need to be raised, the anticipated amount to be raised, and the purpose for which the funds will be used. A comprehensive database must be maintained at the respective school site.
  4. Use of instructional time to conduct the fundraiser and its related recordkeeping shall be kept to a minimum.
  5. No later than one week after the conclusion of a fundraiser, the advisor must submit a detailed record of the group collection and/or collectibles to the building principal.
  6. All financial transactions will be maintained by using the activities accounting system. Records and receipts will be maintained at the location administering the accounts. Differentiation between the various pupil organizations will be maintained. Only parent organizations will be permitted to maintain separate checking/savings accounts.
  7. All fundraising proceeds are administered by District personnel and will not be utilized for personal use.

Parent Organizations

  1. Board policy and guidelines shall be followed, including items 1-5 above.


Of and By Students

  1. A school shall not permit solicitation of funds from students.
  2. Adults from outside groups shall not ask students to solicit pledges for funds for charitable agencies, nor make the students available to the agencies for solicitation without prior approval of the principals. (There are too many such worthy agencies.)

Of Staff

  1. The District shall not allow staff members to be solicited for funds in the school building, with the exception of United Way and the Appleton Education Foundation.
  2. Vendors and sales persons shall receive permission from the Superintendent or his/her designee to call on building principals. If a principal is aware of a school group or parent group that wishes to raise funds, he/she may direct the sales person to the teacher sponsor, or the officers of the parent group.

By Staff

No School District employee may receive for his/her personal benefit, anything of value from any person other than his or her employing School District to sell, promote the sale of, or act as an agent or solicitor for the sale of any goods or services to any public school pupil while on the property of his/her employing School District or at an activity of his/her employee School District. {Wisconsin State Statute 118.12(2)(a)}


  1. No quotas may be set for individual students.
  2. No pressure shall be exerted that compares the giving of one student with the giving of another student.
  3. There will be no tangible incentives for fundraising that will be accrued to students, classrooms, or buildings. This is to avoid competition and/or undue pressure among students, classrooms, and/or buildings.


  1. Calendars, paper products, instructionally-related products, and other items which when given to the District result in a savings to a school or the District budget and which carry commercial logos, may be used in District classrooms with permission of the building principal. Use of these items does not imply School District endorsement.
  2. Equipment or materials containing advertising of a service, product or activity may be approved for school use by the building principal if the educational value or savings to the District taxpayers warrant such approval. Competing commercial enterprises, upon their request, will be afforded equal opportunity to offer equipment or materials for such approval.

Charitable Projects

  1. Student groups may conduct projects for charitable giving of their choice with the approval of the building principal.
  2. These projects shall follow the rules set forth in Board Policy and Procedures.

Gifts to Schools from Service Clubs, Organizations, Businesses, and Individuals

  1. The District welcomes gifts from these groups and individuals.
  2. Donors may designate the school(s) or program(s) which is/are to receive the gift.
  3. Undesignated gifts will be rotated or assigned through the schools by the screening committee. The screening committee shall be comprised of a Board of Education member, an Assistant Superintendent, a member of a parent organization, a business person, a citizen member, a teacher member, and a student member.
  4. Acceptable gifts shall be reported to the Board of Education so that the gifts can be recognized and recorded. Please refer to the Board of Education Policy 840, Gifts and Bequests to Schools.
  5. Gifts may be solicited from these groups by parents, staff, or students following guidelines 1-5 under “Schools and Students” with the approval of the screening committee.

Announcements of Activities

Announcement of activities that are cultural or recreational and sponsored by school related organizations or non-commercial organizations may be made on the school public address system, or be posted or disseminated to students who want them.


Adoption Date: September 14, 1987

Amended Date: February 9, 1998, March 13, 2006 and June 27, 2016



Appleton Area School District
Fundraising Application Form


All fundraising activities scheduled by school, student, and parent groups must be approved in advance by the school principal.

Complete and submit this form to the principal at least two (2) weeks prior to the start of your fundraising activity. If the fundraising activity is approved, a signed copy will be returned. The principal will contact the person named below if there is a need to discuss the appropriateness or timing of the fundraising activity.


Today’s Date: ______________________________________

Organization/Group: _________________________________________________________

Organization/Group Sponsor/Advisor: ___________________________________________

Fundraising Activity: _________________________________________________________

Beginning Date: ____________________   Approximate Ending Date: _________________

Group Solicited: _____School Only   _____School/Community

Purpose: ___________________________________________________________________

Anticipated Money: __________________ Actual Money: ____________________________

For student groups, all money must be counted and delivered daily to the school office where it will be kept in the safe. Money is not to be left in the classroom.

_________________________________________ Signature of Advisor

_________________________________________ Principal ___________________ Date


If this fundraiser includes any sales of foods or beverages sold during the school day which includes the period from midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the instructional school day, it must be compliant with the Smart Snack Standards. Please go to the following website and enter the information for each item being sold and print the results.

Each fundraiser that falls under the above cannot exceed two weeks in time and must be approved by the Auxiliary Services Specialist. Please forward a copy of the signed form along with the results from the smart snack calculator to the Auxiliary Services Specialist/Admin Center for review and approval.

Each group may be granted up to two exemptions a school year with approval.

Auxiliary Services Specialist approval and date: ___________________________________

  • Series 800: School/Community Relations
First page of the PDF file: 881

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