The potential contribution of appropriate educational research to teaching and school administration is recognized by the Board of Education, and it will cooperate, to the extent possible, with colleges, universities, and other recognized agencies to promote research that will:
- Increase professional knowledge of teaching and learning processes and the social setting in which they operate.
- Sharpen perception of instructional and administrative problems.
- Establish instructional and management objectives.
- Assess progress toward accomplishment of school system objectives.
The appropriateness of all requests involving research projects to be conducted in the public schools will be reviewed and judged by the Superintendent or his/her designee and, as appropriate, school administrators, Department Heads, and/or program directors. These requests will be presented to the Board as Items of Information. The Board will be given the opportunity to react before implementation.
Cross Reference:
Protection of Pupil Rights in Research, 333
Adoption Date: September 14, 1987
- Series 800: School/Community Relations