The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to improve the quality of teacher training and the contributions student teachers and interns can make to the Appleton Area School District. The Board of Education directs the Superintendent and his/her staff to cooperate with teacher training institutions and prepare regulations governing the placement of student teachers and interns, which will:
- Provide for placement of student teachers and interns with outstanding teachers/mentors who will serve as their supervisors.
- Protect pupils from overexposure to student teachers and interns.
- Ensure teachers/mentors will not have excessive supervisory responsibilities for student teachers and interns.
- Ensure placement of student teachers and interns without regard to sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, color, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability or handicap.
All internship programs will be presented to the Board of Education for approval.
Cross References:
Placement of Student Teachers, 892.1-Rule
Legal References:
Wisconsin State Statute 118.19 (3)
Wisconsin Administrative Code PI 34.01 (16) and PI 34.15 (6)
Adoption Date: October 26, 1987
Amended Date: September 9, 2002
- All requests for student teacher placement will be made to the office of the Assistant Superintendent. No requests shall be made directly to principals or teachers.
- The assignment of a student teacher in the Appleton Area School District will be made by the Assistant Superintendent in consultation with the building principal, the cooperating teacher, and the college or university director of student teachers.
- The approval of the principal is needed before placement of a student teacher.
- The approval of the cooperating teacher is needed before placement of a student teacher.
- Music and art student teachers will be assigned after a meeting between university representatives and the Appleton Area School District Fine Arts Coordinator, subject to the approval of the Assistant Superintendent, the building principal, and the cooperating teacher.
- Career and technical education student teachers will be assigned after a meeting between university representatives and the Appleton Area School District Career & Technical Education Coordinator, subject to the approval of the Assistant Superintendent, the building principal, and the cooperating teacher.
- Notification of all assignments will be made in writing by the Assistant Superintendent to the building principal, the college or university director of student teachers, and the cooperating teacher.
- The Appleton Area School District will not use student teachers as substitute teachers in case of teacher absence. A student teacher may be removed from a placement in which his/her performance is unacceptable or which is not providing an environment conducive to the type of experiences needed for proper preparation.
- Teachers should be assigned no more than one student teacher in a school year. Exceptions to this guideline can be made due to extenuating circumstances.
- Cooperating teachers shall meet the following requirements:
- Hold a Wisconsin license.
- Have volunteered for assignment as a cooperating teacher.
- Have completed at least 3 years of successful teaching experience in the Appleton Area School District.
- Have completed training in the supervision of student teachers. An exception to this requirement can be made based on previous successful experience as a cooperating teacher and/or mutually agreed upon by the Assistant Superintendent and the college or university director of student teachers.)
Adoption Date: October 26, 1987
Amended Date: September 9, 2002
- Series 800: School/Community Relations