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940 - Naming School District Facilities



The names of school district facilities can be very meaningful. A school or district facility’s name is often intended to represent its character, history, or goals and aspirations. As public buildings in which the entire community makes an investment, its name may also represent an attempt to reflect its connections to the broader community. Sometimes particular areas of school buildings (such as libraries or auditoriums) or district properties other than school buildings (such as athletic facilities) are separately named. Often, proposals to name such areas or separate facilities are an attempt to recognize an individual who has gained local prominence for his/her achievements or other contributions to the community.

Naming of School District facilities is the responsibility of the Board of Education and shall be by majority vote of the Board. Community input is desired and highly valued; however, the Board has final authority over the name of any District facility.

The following criteria shall be considered when evaluating any proposed name:

  • The manner in which the proposed name reflects the mission, vision and ideals of the District.
  • The extent to which the proposed name will have significant meaning to the Appleton Area School District community.
  • The extent to which the name is likely to retain significance for future students and other future members of the Appleton Area School District community.
  • The extent to which the name compliments and does not conflict or cause confusion with the names of other District facilities or other nearby public or private schools.
  • For proposed names that are names of persons, consideration should be given to using the full name of the nominee, and the following additional criteria shall be considered:
    • The nominee is of exemplary moral character
    • The nominee has made an outstanding contribution to education, humanity, has displayed outstanding leadership, or is a person who has gained historical or local prominence for his/her achievements or other contributions to the community.
    • If the nominee has been an employee of the District, that person must no longer be an active employee. The Board of Education has the discretion to waive this requirement on an individual basis.
    • If the nominee is living, written permission should be obtained from the individual.
    • If the nominee is deceased, written permission should be obtained from the individual’s family when possible.

Naming School Buildings

School buildings which may be named include, but are not limited to, a school that is newly constructed; remodeled; or converted from a facility previously used for a different purpose.

  • The Board may solicit potential names from the public, including students, staff and residents of the community.
    • Suggested names shall be submitted in writing to the Board and include the rationale for the proposal.
  • Proposals should minimally address the criteria referenced above.
  • The Board may solicit community input on proposed names prior to a final decision by the Board.

Naming Major Facilities Other Than School Buildings

In circumstances where a major district facility needs to be named, the following procedure shall be followed:

  • Proposals shall be submitted in writing to the Superintendent.
    • The proposal will include rationale for the recognition.
    • If the rationale includes recognition for financial contributions, it should also be evaluated under Policy 851.1 – Sponsorship Policy.
  • The Superintendent or his/her designee will evaluate the proposal according to the criteria referenced above and make a recommendation to the Board to either consider the proposed naming or to take no action on the proposal.
  • The Board may solicit community input on proposed names prior to a final decision by the Board.
  • The Board will vote on the recommendation.

Naming or Renaming Other Areas Within a School or Within a District Facility

A school community may wish to name or rename a part of their facility, such as an auditorium, a room, or an athletic field. If there is doubt as to whether an area proposed to be named or renamed should be considered a “major facility” and receive public input, the Superintendent shall bring that question to the Board. The Board will receive notification of the potential naming or renaming and the following procedure shall be followed:

  • Proposals to name or rename a part of a facility shall be submitted in writing to the building principal (or Superintendent if the area is not in a school).
    • The proposal will include rationale for the recognition/change.
    • If the rationale includes recognition for financial contributions, it should also be evaluated under Policy 851.1 – Sponsorship Policy.
    • o School community input will be sought and summarized as part of the proposal.
  • The building principal, working in conjunction with the Superintendent or his/her designee (or the Superintendent) will evaluate the proposal according to the criteria referenced above and make a recommendation to the Board to either consider the proposed naming or renaming, or to take no action on the proposal.
  • The Board will vote on the recommendation.
  • Once named, an appropriate plaque should be placed onsite so that future generations of students, parents, staff members, and community members will understand and appreciate the dedication’s meaning.

Renaming Schools and Other Major District Facilities

Once a school or other major District facility has been named, it shall not be renamed except for compelling reasons as determined by the Board.

In circumstances of a renaming request, the following procedure shall be followed:

  1. A written request shall be submitted to the School Board during a regular school board meeting.
    1. This request can come from the superintendent, a board member, a school-initiating entity (e.g., PTA, students, staff members, alumni) or residents of the District.
    2. The request shall include a statement of the reason for the request.
  2. The School Board will decide by majority vote whether to proceed with the request, seek further review, or deny the request.
  3. If the School board votes to accept the request, the Board, in conjunction with the Superintendent will develop, and the Board will approve, a process for notifying the community and gathering community input/feedback on the request.
  4. Considering the community’s input, the Board may decide to:
    1. Retain the original name; or
    2. Accept the request to rename by either
      1. Engaging in a process to solicit proposals for a new name.
      2. Accepting an existing proposal for a new name.
  5. If a new name is recommended for a School or Other Major District Facility, that name should meet the criteria and follow the procedures referenced above.


Cross References:
Sponsorship Policy and Rule, 851.1

Adoption Date: May 24, 2004

Amended Date: April 23,2007; April 26, 2021

  • Series 900: Facilities Development
First page of the PDF file: 940

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