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960.1 - Energy Conservation Program



The Appleton Area School District (District) has a responsibility to ensure that every effort is made to conserve energy and natural resources while exercising sound fiscal management. Implementation of this policy is the joint responsibility of its Board of Education, administrators, teachers, support personnel and students. Its success depends upon cooperation at all levels. The Assistant Superintendent for Business Services and the Director of Facilities and Operations will be primarily responsible for directing and maintaining this program on an annual basis.

Adoption Date: November 11, 2022






The District may employ and/or assign staff to develop and implement an Energy Conservation Program (ECP) to ensure that every effort is made to assure energy efficiency (stability and innovation) and energy conservation. Successful conservation programs must combine sound technical conception, insightful program design and clear implementation. The program must be sustainable and supportable.

The areas of responsibility in implementing an ECP have been identified as primarily administration, which includes maintenance of appropriate records, accountability and reporting, implementation and compliance, publicity regarding District goals and progress, communication and understanding and managing our energy management systems.

Specific areas of emphasis may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Accountability. Principals will conduct and/or assist in conducting energy audits for their sites and maintaining appropriate records. Principals and head engineers will work together to ensure an efficient energy posture is maintained on a daily basis.
  2. Publicity regarding District goals and progress. Develop and communicate information to the media regarding District goals and/or progress.
  3. Record keeping. Head engineers and/or other staff will maintain accurate records of energy (utilities, including water) consumption and costs and comply with any record keeping requirements required by agencies from which the District has received monies.
  4. Record keeping/Schematics. Maintain wiring and installation diagrams of District systems. Obtain and/or develop information on systems as they change or when none exist.
  5. Development of Curriculum. Curriculum will be developed to ensure that every student participates in the ECP and becomes an “energy saver.”
  6. Training Programs. Employees will receive appropriate information and/or training to create an awareness of District needs and become an energy saver. This may occur at management-level meetings, seminars or conferences related to energy use and/or conservation.
  7. Lights Off. All unnecessary lighting in unoccupied areas will be turned off. Employees and/or students will be aware that they are responsible for turning off lights if they are the last to leave an area. Individuals working at a site after-hours will turn on lights only in those areas in which they are working. This is not intended to override safety and security measures.
  8. Closing of Site. At the close of the day, engineers will be responsible for the total shutdown of a site.
  9. Alternative energy sources. Recommendations, advice or assistance will be provided to the Superintendent on alternative energy sources, consumption and/or general energy conservation measures. Contacts will be developed and maintained with federal, state and/or local agencies and national energy policy trends will be monitored.
  10. Compliance. Assigned staff will regularly monitor the ECP for compliance.
  11. Capital Projects (Building Systems). Recommendations, advice or assistance will be provided concerning energy management and/or purchases that affect energy consumption. Analysis may be required for building design.
  12. Budgeting. Energy requirement estimates and budget allotments for sites will be prepared and provided as directed.
  13. Reporting Requirements. Plan, prepare and report on a regular basis the status of the District’s ECP to administration and/or Board members.
  14. Procedures. Staff will recommend, advise, and assist in the development of processes and/or procedures for efficient utilization of energy sources.
  15. Grants. Be aware of the availability of monies and knowledgeable of any application process to make successful application for funds to enhance the ECP.
  16. Changes in Technology. Changes in technology will be monitored and implemented, when feasible, to ensure a cost-effective energy management program.
  17. Conservation. Development of programs may require technical analysis and rigorous standards for engineering analysis, data collection and technical evaluation. Outside vendors may be required to provide additional areas of expertise. Staff will recommend and advise when assistance is required.
  18. Program Evaluation. It is essential to compare anticipated impacts with actual results. Accurate assessments of measures and development of baseline information is critical.


Adoption Date: November 11, 2002

  • Series 900: Facilities Development
First page of the PDF file: 960-1

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