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Mielke Family Foundation Logo

Mielke Educator of the Year Award 

Funded by the Mielke Family Foundation

Since 1983, outstanding AASD educators have been recognized through the Mielke Educator of the Year awards.

The Mielke Family Foundation has designated two categories for this prestigious award: Elementary (EC-5) and Secondary (7-12).  

Mielke Family Foundation Logo

Mielke Support Staff of the Year Award

Funded by the Mielke Family Foundation

We are excited to announce the addition of a new category of recognition, the Mielke Support Staff of the Year Award! 

The Support Staff category includes the following employee groups: administrative assistants, ASU, custodial & maintenance, paraprofessionals, and substitutes.

Dillon Award Logo

The Helen & Ade Dillon Award 

The Dillon Award recognizes an AASD staff member who encourages a balanced life for students in and out of the classroom or school setting.

This staff member takes a personal interest in students' moral, mental, and physical development, thereby enhancing the students' life skills for the continued development of academics, fitness, and citizenship.