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Instructional Technology & Chromebooks

All Appleton Area School District (AASD) students have access to a Chromebook for instructional use during the school year.

In grades 5-12, Chromebooks are assigned to students for use throughout the day and to take home. This is an exciting opportunity for our 5-12 students to have access to digital learning resources both during the school day and outside of the school day. In grades PreK-4, students have access to a Chromebook throughout the school day, but the devices stay at school at night.
The focus of providing Chromebooks in the Appleton Area School District is to provide current tools and resources to today’s learner. Effective learning and excellence in education requires that technology be seamlessly integrated throughout the educational program. Increasing student access to technology is essential and one of the current learning tools available is the Chromebook.

Individual use of Chromebooks supports student empowerment to engage in their personalized learning before, during and after school as they prepare for postsecondary education and the modern workplace. 

Research indicates that students who use devices in a one-to-one (1:1) education environment are more organized and engaged learners, attend school more regularly, advance their knowledge and understanding of technology, and take an increased ownership in their personal learning. Chromebooks have the ability to make learning more engaging, accessible, and personal.

Student learning results from continuous interaction with educators, students, parent/guardians, and the extended community. Technology immersion does not diminish the vital role of the teacher but transforms the teacher from the director of learning to a facilitator of learning. Effective teaching and learning with Chromebooks integrates technology into the curriculum anytime, anyplace.

The purpose of this Chromebook Handbook is to provide the guidelines for the proper use and care of the investment made by the AASD and the Appleton community in providing each student the use of a Chromebook during the school year. The AASD reserves the right to revoke or modify this handbook and/or its policies and procedures at any time.

Chromebook Student Handbook

Chromebook Student User Agreement