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Traffic & Parking Around Our Schools

Traffic and parking rules around schools are created and enforced for the safety of the students. Each year, the Appleton Police Department receives complaints related to unsafe driving in school zones. Some of the issues include:

  • Illegal parking or stopping

  • Failure to obey the Crossing Guard

  • Failure to yield to children in the crosswalk

  • Speeding in the school zone

We encourage all of our families to follow posted signs in school zones and on school property. We work cooperatively with area law enforcement to prioritize safety and to ensure efficiency in the busy times around drop-off and dismissal.

Families that are dropping off students should follow their school’s recommendations on parking and traffic flow. If you aren’t sure where you should park, drop off, or pick up your students, please call your school’s office.

As a reminder, parents or guardians who have unloaded their passengers in the loading zone should leave, by law. They are now considered to be parked in a no-parking area if they have unloaded their passengers.

Parents or guardians picking up their children after school are actively waiting to load, and are not in violation. Once they have actively loaded their passengers, they also need to drive on to allow other vehicles space to safely pick up students.

We have been notified by law enforcement that, due to ongoing complaints, tickets will be issued to vehicles that are parked in the school loading zone after they have unloaded their passengers or have left their vehicles in that area (parked).

Tips and reminders for Families

  • To avoid traffic congestion, park further away from school and let your child cross the street at a Crossing Guard, Safety Patrol, or marked or unmarked crosswalk. Never let your child cross between parked cars or mid-block!

  • At the time you are picking up or dropping off your child, many other people are doing the same thing and creating a lot of congestion. Because of this, if the child has to cross the street without the aid of a Crossing Guard or Safety Patrol, you as a parent should help your child cross the street.

Additional issues to be aware of

  • Stopping in an intersection is not legal (this includes the top of "T" intersections). This area is off-limits to stopped vehicles. Please do not drop off your child in the street. This violation can result in a traffic citation.

  • Double-parking (or stopping) of vehicles is not legal. You may not stop your vehicle on the roadway side of any parked vehicle. This violation can also result in a traffic citation.

Follow all posted signs:

  • No Stopping, Standing, or Parking: These areas may not be used as a drop-off zone. Vehicles cannot stop in this area - even momentarily - to drop off or pick up passengers as these areas are off-limits to vehicles during the posted times. This is the most frequently violated sign; please obey this sign. Violators are subject to a parking citation or, in some cases, a traffic citation.

  • No Parking 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. on School Days: These designated areas may be used to drop off or pick up students if the driver does not leave the vehicle. If the operator occupies the vehicle you may stop and wait for your children to be picked up. Vehicles parked without a driver are subject to a parking fine.

  • 5-Minute Loading Zone (or another time parameter): In these designated areas you can leave your vehicle unoccupied in this area for the designated time. This area is intended for the loading and unloading of persons and/or property. Violators are subject to a fine.

  • Statutory Parking Restrictions: Vehicles parked within four feet of a driveway, ten feet of a fire hydrant, or fifteen feet of a marked or unmarked crosswalk are subject to a fine. Since these types of restrictions are statutory and considered "Rules of the Road," all licensed drivers are obligated to abide by them, whether marked or unmarked by signage or curb markings.

  • Unrestricted Parking: May be used for dropping off and picking up students or for parking.