Student Health
Showing up to school every day is critical for children’s well-being, engagement and learning. Make sure to send children to school if they are:
- Generally healthy and well
- Participating in usual day-to-day activities
Children can even go to school if they:
- Have a mild cold, which may include a runny nose and/or cough
- Have eye drainage without fever, eye pain, or eyelid redness
- Have a mild stomachache
- Have lice nits. If live lice are found, the guardian will be instructed to remove live lice after the end of the school day.
Though they are annoying and should be treated, lice are not a reason to exclude a child from school. (This is consistent with the guidance provided by DPI, AAP, CDC, and DHS.) - Haven’t had a fever for 24 hours and have not taken fever-reducing medicine during that time.
Avoid keeping children at home unless they are too sick to participate. Note: In most situations, a healthcare provider’s note is not needed to return.
Is Your Child Well Enough to Go to School?
It is not always easy to decide if your child is sick enough to stay home or well enough to be in school. Children who come to school are expected, with few exceptions, to participate fully in school activities.
If your child has a medical concern in school, we will need to be able to reach you. Please make sure to notify your school office of any work or phone number changes as they occur.
Here are some guidelines that might help a parent/guardian decide if a student should stay home from school or not.
Fever: A fever of 100.0 degrees or more signals an illness that is probably going to make a student uncomfortable and unable to function well in class. Your child should stay home until their temperature is less than 100 degrees (without the use of fever reducing medication) for 24 hours and they are feeling better.
Vomiting, Diarrhea or Severe Nausea: These are symptoms that require a student to remain at home until a normal diet is tolerated for 24 hours.
Infectious Diseases: Diseases such as impetigo, and strep throat may require a health care provider’s visit and prescription for medication. A student may return to school 24 hours after the first dose of an antibiotic is given, and fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever reducing medication).
Rashes: If rashes or patches of broken, itchy skin appear to be spreading or not improving, contact your health care provider.
Injuries: Injuries that interfere with class participation need a medical evaluation. If participation in physical education classes is not recommended, a health care provider’s note which indicates the student’s limitations and what they can do, is required.
The Appleton Area School District promotes healthy schools by supporting wellness, good nutrition, and regular physical activity as part of the total learning environment. The District supports a healthy environment where children learn and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices. By facilitating learning through the support and promotion of good nutrition and physical activity, schools contribute to the basic health status of children. Improved health optimizes student performance potential. (Board Policy 341.34)