School Meet & Greets
Date and time information for meet and greet events can be found on each school website under Our School and then Annual Student Registration.
4K Meet and Greet events for community sites take place the fourth week of August. This is an opportunity for families to tour their 4K site, meet their child’s teacher, and drop off school supplies. 4K Meet and Greet events for sites located at school sites take place in elementary schools as described below.
Elementary Meet and Greet events usually take place the week before the first day of school and is an opportunity for families to meet their child’s teacher, principal, and other staff members, as well as drop off school supplies.
Middle and high school Meet and Greet events are different at each school. Some schools hold their event in late August, and others in early September. Parents and guardians are encouraged to tour the school, follow along with their student’s schedule and meet staff, teachers, and administrators.
Schools may also offer Onsite Registration Events
Onsite Registration Events give families an opportunity to register their students using district labs/computers with IT/translator support.
Returning/existing AASD parents/guardians will be able to complete many of the annual registration items online, prior to their designated school registration event.
Families can attend onsite registration events at their school(s) if they need assistance with the online registration process or to complete these tasks:
- Annual online registration
- Schedule changes
- Obtaining photo ID
- Sign up for co-curriculars and clubs
- Busing information
- Textbook distribution
If your student does not require any of the above and your student’s annual online registration is completed you do not need to attend.