Summer Reading

Say Good-bye to Summer Reading Loss!

Summer means some kids are reading and some are not. ALL children should be reading during the summer. In order for this to happen, they need access to books. The two largest contributions to reading achievement are access to interesting books and choice of the books children want to read.

Choosing what to read empowers a child. Encouraging and supporting your child’s reading behavior is important, however forcing summer reading on a child won’t work! We need children to recognize that reading is one of many positive life choices they can make.

Which Books Do Children Want to Read?

  • Series books
  • Pop culture and sports biographies
  • Funny books
  • Books with interesting visual features
  • Nonfiction about topics that interest boys and girls
  • Graphic novels

What Can Parents Do?

  • Get your child involved in a summer reading program through the library
  • Encourage your child to talk and write about books 
  • Borrow, trade, and exchange books with others